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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hillary is the Symptom, Part II

By Rich Kozlovich

On October 10, 2023 I published this piece, Hillary is the Symptom, saying:

As time goes by we see all the dire predictions from George Orwell's book,  1984, where he predicts a dystopian society totally controlled by "Big Brother", whose dictates are a corruption of language, twisting definitions into pretzel like shapes in support of irrational narratives.  All enforced by the "Thought Police", and any thoughts expressed that contradicts the narrative of Big Brother are crimes, and punishable by "vaporization", meaning they just seem to disappear.  We're now seeing that coming into play now.  Hillary Clinton is the symptom of a chronic disease and a metastasizing intellectual infection contaminating American society.

Recently Dana Perino, formally in the Bush administration, and now contaminating the air ways on Fox, called Hillary an "amazing" Secretary of State.  Well, truth be told is she is amazing.  Amazingly evil, and Hillary, along with so many others in her circle is a liar, a sociopath, a psychopath, who is totally ruthless and  unconscionable in her words and actions, demanding so-called "MAGA cult members" need to be properly "indoctrinated', in reeducation camps.  Just like Mao.

I've heard these Clinton sycophants drooling how Hillary is sooooo smart.  So, I ask someone to name one smart thing she ever did in her entire life, and graduating from high school or finishing college can't be among them. As for her tenure as Secretary of State, that was a huge bust and a clear demonstration of just  how incompetent she is.  Name on thing she did that was "amazing".

The real story is...once again...... Hillary is the symptom, a symptom of an intellectual social infection! A chronic infection that has metastasized, and is in serious need to treatment before civilization dies.  The real issue is we're facing a dictatorship controlled by psychopaths.  The treatment is exposing these insane monsters for who and what they are, and their supporters. 

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