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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2019

What We Learned from the Michael Cohen Hearing

March 3, 2019 By Jim Daws

Of all the contemptible episodes of political theater Congress has ever produced, Michael Cohen's seven-hour hearingbefore the House Oversight Committee is without precedent. Has there ever been a more seditious, mendacious, and just plain degrading spectacle?

While America's president was overseas conducting a nuclear disarmament summit with a hostile communist dictator, the new Democrat majority in the House used their very first hearing to undermine his credibility on worldwide TV.  Given the depraved character of modern Democrats, the hearing's circus-like atmosphere was predictable, but the timing of the event can be taken to mean only that they're more interested in impeaching President Trump than in avoiding a nuclear holocaust. That's a chilling realization............

Chairman Elijah Cummings has changed the name of his committee from House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to just House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

Cummings and his committee show no intention of limiting themselves to the proper, constitutional role of government oversight. Instead, they are shifting gears to probe every aspect of Trump's business and private life — and that of his family and his associates — in order to impeach him or prevent his re-election. It's amazing they don't realize that disgusting displays like this hearing will have the exact opposite effect. ...............To Read More

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