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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Feel the Bern: Venezuela’s Slow Bern

The demise of the Maduro regime looks like prolonged agony for the American Left.

by Scott McKay February 28, 2019

The mess in Venezuela is getting worse, but while that country is literally starving to death under the yoke of an incompetent, corrupt and malignant socialist dictatorship the hopes of a Ukrainian-style peaceful revolution or bloodless coup that would end the Nicolas Maduro regime are dimming.
That was the most apparent conclusion following last week’s attempts by the U.S.-recognized interim president Juan Guaido to ship desperately-needed food and medicine into the country. The government fired on aid workers at Venezuela’s borders both with Colombia and Brazil, setting trucks laden with humanitarian aid ablaze and kicking off civil unrest everywhere.

Conditions are so bad in Venezuela that one citizen in 10 has fled, starvation is rampant, the economy has all but collapsed, violent demonstrations occur daily, and government repression has reached the levels of the old Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War. When Guaido and his allies sought to alleviate some of the suffering by shipping aid in from Brazil and Colombia, with American help, and the regime resorted to violence in stopping that aid with Maduro calling it a “Trojan horse” to bring revolution with it, it didn’t just signal how low the dictator will go........To Read More....

My Take - I've said this before and I'm going to repeat it now.  There's no gain for the United States to invade Venezuela.  If you're a moral person you must have an overwhelming desire to send in the Marines and save those people, but the reality is if the U.S. invades we're called imperialist oppressors, and that epithet will be used over and over again.  If we stay home and mind our own business we're accused of being moral cowards, but that will pass.   This is a no win situation for the U.S., so I say let's save our money and the lives of our Marines and let the Venezuelans fix this themselves. 

Remember, Venezuelans, especially the ones suffering so badly now, originally voted in this communist cabal many years ago knowing full well who and what they were because they all wanted free stuff.  They're suffering now and it's because they earned it.  We owe the people of Venezuela nothing! 

Is that being cold?  Yes, because reality usually is.

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