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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Unforgiving Religion of Leftism

By March 2nd, 2019

For all the talk on the Left about love and tolerance, it’s getting impossible to ignore the evidence presented to our senses, which screams that the Left is hard-hearted and hateful.  For the Left, grace is not to be found in any world above, and its supply is precious in this world, too. The redemptive power of love is absent on the Left, where there is only vengeance and bitter recrimination.

Leftists might not think of themselves as members of a religion, but their ideology surely resembles one—albeit one lacking in forgiveness or any of the insights that make religion a teacher of good and true habits.  That humans are sinful and need redemption through a higher power is one of the basic insights of religion. Rather than recognize this truth, the Left imagines humans as blank slates capable of moral perfection in the here and now with enough prodding and ideological re-education.

Not recognizing that human imperfection and sinfulness, the Left is unforgiving when people stray from the path of “social justice.” After all, if humans are perfectly educable blank slates, then there is no excuse for the seduction of things they call bigotry. Those who deviate from expected attitudes are “ignorant” of the newest progressive fashions and held in contempt.

Part of the difficulty with satisfying the Left’s moral standards is that they are constantly changing.  The Left does not look for truths about right and wrong, but to ever-evolving “theory.”........To Read More.....

My Take -  The author clearly outlined what's wrong with leftism. From its inception with the French Revolution to now, the left has been irrational, misanthropic and morally defective. The only consistent moral foundation they have is to get and hold power in any way possible, even if it means adopting a new philosophical flavor of the day - everyday if necessary – even if it means embracing positions that are totally opposite of what they promoted before. They only feel and promote hate, jealousy and greed.

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