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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2019

HHS Extends Contract to Make ‘Humanized Mice’ With Aborted Baby Parts for Another 90 Days

By Terence P. Jeffrey | March 1, 2019

The Department of Health and Human Services says it has granted a second 90-day extension to a contract it has with the University of California at San Francisco that requires UCSF to make “humanized mice.”

These creatures are made by implanting mice with human tissues taken from late-term aborted babies.

The HHS's multi-million-dollar contract with UCSF that requires the construction of these “humanized mice” creates a demand--driven by federal tax dollars--for tissue taken from late-term aborted babies. According to an estimate it has published on its website, the National Institutes of Health (which is a division of HHS) will spend $95 million this fiscal year alone on research that--like UCSF's "humanized mouse" contract--uses human fetal tissue.............To Read More....

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