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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2019

What does it take to start a civil war?

March 3, 2019 By Robert Arvay

Perhaps the most famous civil war in history began on April 12, 1861, when secessionist Southerners attacked the United States Army garrison at Fort Sumter, South Carolina. Subsequent hostilities embroiled the American states in bloody battles that slaughtered a large portion of their youthful male population.

About a quarter of each army was killed and nearly half a million wounded, many of them grievously. Even after the South surrendered, in 1865, the aftermath of the war saw intense resentment that, it is said, continued even until after the last veteran of that war finally died of old age.

What could cause such brutal fratricide? While officially, the Civil War was not fought over the issue of slavery, there can be little doubt that without the existence of legalized slavery, matters would have been very different and, perhaps, even peaceably resolved.

What could possibly cause it?

Consider abortion.... homosexuality.... transgenders....infanticide outside the womb ..... "Mis-gendering" ....... High school children can be required to shower with members of the opposite sex...... toxic masculinity......forcing parents to raise their children as "gender fluid" or lose custody.........Public schools propagandize small children into points of view held by transgender advocates, with no practicable "opt out" provision for parents who object, nor any mention of opposing points of view.....Suppression of speakers on college campuses...........Global warming? Public displays of Christian crosses? Assisted suicide and involuntary euthanasia? Racial reparations? Sharia law? Illegal immigration?

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