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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trump Makes the Elites Pessimistic on Foreign Trade. Good.

March 3, 2019 By Peter Skurkiss

A gloom has settled over the American elite on trade and foreign policy. This is good news. Here's why.

The dark clouds started forming during the presidency of Barack Obama. Even though, in a number of ways, Obama was anti-American, forever apologizing for this country and its achievements, his foreign policy was not exactly a globalist's delight. Obama's appointment of the ineffectual Hillary Clinton as secretary of state was a raw political move. When she left, Obama offered John F. Kerry as a sop to the foreign policy blob. Even though Obama was behind international initiatives like the Iran nuclear weapons deal, the Paris Climate Accord, and the overthrow of Gaddafi, overall, he oversaw a retreat, albeit slowly, from the post-WWII consensus.

The 2016 election was a shock to the foreign service community. Hillary was their ideal candidate. In her, the boys from Foggy Bottom knew they could lead the "world's smartest woman" around by the nose with flattery and faux bowing and scraping. Donald Trump, however, was their worst nightmare. This barbarian was uncontrollable and threatened to upend the world as they know it. And worse still, on a personal note, since winning the presidency, Trump has frozen out a great many of his pre-election critics from the plumb government positions they crave.  The inbred blob is infected with groupthink.........Yes, naked self-interest motivates many in the blob.  To think otherwise is to deny human nature to its members...............To Read More..........

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