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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Ripping Off the Left’s Mask

By |  February 5th, 2019

Writing at Townhall on Sunday, Kevin McCullough recalls Rush Limbaugh’s vintage observation that “If the Left (Democrats) ever told America what they actually believed they’d never win another election.” McCullough makes the point that every now and then, however, the mask slips, and we are able, as Michael Walsh has maintained for some time, to see the face of evil clearly.

McCullough was responding to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s revelation that he believed it was appropriate for a couple of medical professionals and a mother to decide to terminate the life of a newborn child, as a recently failed bill in the Virginia Legislature would have permitted. Similar legislation just passed, to gruesome celebration, in New York, and other such measures are pending or have passed in other states controlled by Democrats..........The future of this nation will turn on the success of Republicans like President Trump, in exposing the mendacity, the ideology, and the abuses of the Left.............To Read More.....

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