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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The European Left: Unfit to Govern

By Dalibor Rohac Sep 08, 2017

Many are horrified by the ascent of protectionist, isolationist, and nativist ideas on the political right – and rightly so. Fewer have noticed, however, that developments on the political left also bode ill for those want to see the world’s liberal democracies united against their common enemies, including aggressive authoritarian regimes and Jihadists.

Over at, Zack Beauchamp ponders the atrophy of Democratic thought on security and foreign policy. The left in the United States, he says, has “far fewer exciting ideas to offer” on foreign than on domestic policy. Beauchamp blames it on the lack on a lack of think tank firepower in Washington—driven, in turn, by liberal donors’ priorities.......To Read More.....

Image result for North European PlainMy Take - This article goes on about the possible destruction of NATO and how leftists in Europe's government love Putin, and how this could be a way for Putin to take over Europe. 

What a red herring. 

This isn't fifty years ago!  Russia is broke! Putin is just tying to survive!  Europe is a mess financially and socially and I can't believe even Putin would want it. What would he gain.

If he did move down the North European Plain and conquer most of Europe, he would be left with counter insurgencies he would be unable to counter.  With the exception of their special forces - Russia's military is a mess. The 15 to 50 age group in Russia is too small, and is filled drug resistant TB and AIDS patients and alcoholism.  He doesn't have the manpower to defend Russia's seven defensive gaps (he only has the manpower to defend three) where would he get the manpower to conquer Europe? 

As for the end of NATO?  I don't care.  It's high time Europe stopped feeding on the security udder of the United States - while constantly criticizing the U.S. - and stood up on it's own hind legs.  If Europe falls to communism - so what?  We don't need them - they need us. 

I think it's important to understand some of the independent nations of Europe won't even be in existance by 2030.  Europe is - at best - a leaking vessel bound to sink and anyone on board will suffer the consequences of that affiliation.  Let them go their own way and pay the penalty for their irrational views.   Then they can "Feel the Bern" -  just like Venezuela. 

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