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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Trump DOJ: We're Not Going To Charge Lois Lerner Over IRS Targeting Scandal

Matt Vespa Posted: Sep 08, 2017

The Department of Justice has a final ruling over whether they will file charges against Lois Lerner.

They’re not going to proceed.

Lerner, the former director for Exempt Organizations, has been at the center of the 2013 IRS scandal in which hundreds of conservative groups were subjected to extra scrutiny for nonprofit status over their political views.

Yes, some progressive groups were victims of the same treatment, though even National Public Radio noted that the list, which is 426 groups deep, is top heavy with conservative groups. A federal judge ruled that the IRS has until October 16 to name those who were involved in the targeting, but for now—Lerner is in the clear once again. In 2015, DOJ also declined to press charges against Lerner after concluding heir investigation into the matter.........To Read More.....

My Take - It appears Sessions really does need firing.

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