Clinton: 'Hopefully Trump Hasn't Ordered Killing of People and Journalists' Like Putin
Revoke NFL's Anti-Trust Exemption Over Protests and Price-Fixing

Hillary Clinton called President Trump a "top down guy" who "has tendencies toward authoritarianism," and added she hoped he hasn't condemned people to die like other autocrats. "I don't really think he values democracy, Charlie," Clinton told PBS' Charlie Rose. "He's a top down guy. He has tendencies toward authoritarianism." Rose asked if that meant he is no different than Russia's Vladimir Putin...........Continue Reading.....
Klayman - Hypocritical That Hillary Would Brand Trump a Killer as Scores of Witnesses Died "Mysteriously" During Clinton Administration!
Klayman - Hypocritical That Hillary Would Brand Trump a Killer as Scores of Witnesses Died "Mysteriously" During Clinton Administration!
Roy Moore Victory Cements Anti-Establishment Wave
Congrats to Chief Justice Roy Moore!
Freedom Watch TV September 27, 2017
Revoke NFL's Anti-Trust Exemption Over Protests and Price-Fixing
See also Klayman's article "Revoke the NFL's Antitrust Exemption"
Larry Klayman Discusses Mueller's Investigation & The NFL Protests
Klayman joins Bill Tucker and Tom Borelli to discuss the news of the day
Newsmax TV September 28, 2017
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