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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Renowned climate scientist jailed for fraud

By Thomas Lifson September 7, 2017

Well, it's a start... Lucy Smith reports for the Townsville (Queensland), Australia Bulletin:.........Compared to the gross fraud of anthropogenic global warming alarmism (that already has cost Australia dearly), this is small beer, even though the total is over half a million bucks (Australian dollars). Compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars squandered on crony green energy schemes, this is not even a rounding error. Alongi is not some minor figure in the Warmist research establishment. Eric Worrall comments:.........Read more

My Take - As the author says:  It's a start!  Perhaps Michael Mann can be his cell mate, at the State Pen and not Penn State.  We still have to come to the universial that fraud is a crime. It's not scientific independence - it's a crime - and those who perpetuate crimes need to go to jail.   Global warming claims are fraudulent, and that fraud has been perpetrated on the world by use of taxpayers dollars.  That's a crime!  What's so hard about that to grasp? 

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