Senators expressed
frustration Thursday with the process used to grant security clearances to
federal workers following the Edward Snowden leaks and Aaron Alexis' killing
rampage at the Washington Navy Yard. Sen.
Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., said that federal officials needed to regularly access
reports from law enforcement to prevent the problem of insufficient clearance
checks from reoccurring.
She pointed to a
piece of legislation she had authored along with Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine;
Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.; and Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D. The bill would require the
government to do automatic, random searches of public records at least twice
every five years to find out if there are any red flags.
"A lot of the
existing security clearance structure relies on trust and self-reporting by
existing clearance holders," explained Bradley Moss, a D.C.-based lawyer
specializing in security clearance issues. There are currently no mandated
random checks on clearance holders between five- or 10-year cycles of renewal……ToRead More….
My Take - Wow....great idea! Did it ever occur to
these people that people in the secrets business thought of this? Do they have
any idea how many security clearance there are out there issued to civilians as
well as military personnel, giving some access to the nation's most important
secrets? I have no doubt the numbers are massive. So let's ask them how this
would have done any good with Snowden. As far as I can tell there were no
obvious signs of his ultimate treason.
All his online stuff was patriotic on the surface, he earned a six
figure salary, he had just had another background check in 2011… exactly
how would this fix that situation? As
for Aaron Alexis, he was obviously certifiable.
There was a ton of background evidence to show this guy needed
institutionalized and no one in a leadership was willing to stand up and be
counted. How is that fixed? Even if you fire those directly responsible for
him…how do you fix such a problem system wide?
I’m not surprised at who’s promoting this thing either. Good
showboating, with little thought about the nuts and bolts of implementation. I’ll bet they really feel good about
themselves though. All warm and fuzzy
and self righteous…..just a little better than the rest. Leftists are all alike and they never
change. All members in good standing in
The Club For the Galacticly Stupid affirming their position.
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