"We are not yet 80 years out from the Holocaust. Yet here again we witness black-clad cadres of special killer units trying to round up Jews and execute them on the spot. There is one strange difference though between the current Hamas SS cadres and their spiritual forefathers in Nazi Germany.” — Victor Davis Hanson, “Reflections on Israel’s New Existential War—October 9, 2023
By Robin Itzler
From Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. E-mail her at PatriotNeighbors@yahoo.com to get on her list, it's free.
Prez Candidates Commenter RE: Iran-Hamas Attack on Israel
If your boss or relative announced that you would soon receive a large sum of money, chances are you would make decisions knowing the money was coming to you even if you didn’t have it yet. Ditto for Iran knowing that Joe Biden was giving them $6 BILLION that was sitting in a South Korean bank. Add the $85 BILLION in military equipment that Biden left behind for the Taliban after his humiliating and disastrous Afghanistan retreat and that’s a lot of money for Jihadists to use against “infidels” - Jews, Christians and even moderate Muslims. As Barack Obama reportedly said during the 2020 Democrat primary:
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”
Statements from ALL presidential candidates following the Iran-sponsored Hamas attack on Israel:
[R] North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum—statement
“..."must provide maximum support to our democratic ally."
[R] Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie—said on X/Twitter
"Biden’s appeasement of Israel’s enemies has invited this war against Israel. Appeasement anywhere never works. We must do whatever it takes to support the State of Israel in its time of grave danger, and we must end the scourge of Iran-backed terrorism. This terrorism is funded by Biden’s idiotic release of $6 billion to the Iranians. The Hamas war against Israel is now the second war started under Biden’s failed presidency, first by Russia in Ukraine and now by Hamas in Israel."
[R] Florida Governor Ron DeSantis—tweet
"Israel is now under attack by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists. Iran has helped fund this war against Israel and Joe Biden’s policies that have gone easy on Iran have helped fill their coffers. We are going to stand with Israel as they root out Hamas and we need to stand up to Iran."
[R] Amb. to U.N. in Trump Administration Nikki Haley—statement
"Hamas is a bloodthirsty terrorist organization backed by Iran and determined to kill as many innocent lives as possible. The reports out of Israel are horrific with a stunning number of dead and wounded and should be universally condemned. Israel has every right to defend its citizens from terror."
[I] Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.—tweet
"This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind. I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.
[R] Former Vice President Mike Pence—statement
“This is what happens when America’s president projects weakness on the world stage, kowtows to the mullahs in Iran with a $6 Billion ransom, and leaders in the Republican Party signal American retreat as Leader of the Free World. Weakness arouses Evil."
[R] Vivek Ramaswamy—Tweet
"America’s broken foreign policy establishment knew they were funding Hamas & went ahead with it anyway. The unprecedented $6BN in ransom paid to Iran last month worsened it: our taxpayer dollars are funding Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah. This will end on Day 1 of my administration."
[R] South Carolina Senator Tim Scott
"The truth is though, Joe Biden funded these attacks on Israel. America’s weakness is blood in the water for bad actors, but this is worse than that. We didn’t just invite this aggression, we paid for it. Iran is the biggest funder of Hamas. This is the Biden $6 billion ransom payment at work."
[R] President Donald J. Trump—statement
"These Hamas attacks are a disgrace and Israel has every right to defend itself with overwhelming force. Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration."
[I] Cornell West—tweet
"The escalation of the barbaric violence in the Middle East must stop. The vicious Israeli occupation and the ugly Palestinian retaliation results in the killing of precious innocent people on both sides. We must have a lasting peace based on justice! #TruthJusticeLove."
Israel Defense Forces
In September, there was a private Beverly Hills event hosted by Israel Bonds. The featured speakers were members of the Israel Defense Force Unit 669—Airborne Combat Rescue and Evacuation Unit. For more than 45 years, Unit 669 has been Israel’s leading national security rescue service—both within the country’s borders and beyond. They have rescued more than 12,000 soldiers and civilians.
Little did anyone at that event know that just a few weeks later, those three young men (one who had lost an arm in service to his country) would be thrust in a war against Biden-supported Iran-Hamas proxy terrorists.
There have been skirmishes throughout the decades, but Israel’s last major conflict was October 6, 1973—the Yom Kippur War. Fifty years later, on the very same day, Iran-sponsored Hamas attacked Israel. The world is watching in real time the horrific Hamas violence inflicted against innocent Israeli civilians.
You can't negotiate peace with someone who wants to kill you. Golda Meir. Israel's Fourth Prime Ministry
We have often said that Patriots who want the United States of America to remain a dynamic constitutional republic are fighting two enemies:
Marxist Democrats and Never Trumpers/Establishment Republicans. Last week, left-leaning The New Republic planned a one-day seminar with some of the biggest names in leftist insanity. Are you sorry you missed this event? From their website:
The New Republic is hosting one of the most exciting and important events of the season—the Stop Trump Summit. We are gathering some of the brightest minds in American politics and culture for urgent discussions about the all-too-real threat of a catastrophic second Trump presidency.
Guests will include the sharpest analyst of Trump’s dangerous mind, his niece, psychologist Mary L. Trump; Oscar winning actor Robert De Niro; former Trump official and “Anonymous” whistleblower Miles Taylor; constitutional scholar and Trump impeachment manager Jamie Raskin; lawyer and CNN contributor George Conway; broadcast journalist Don Lemon; the Reverend Al Sharpton; abortion rights expert Jessica Valenti; lawyer and Supreme Court expert Dahlia Lithwick; journalist Joan Walsh; journalist Molly Jong-Fast; ghostwriter of Trump: The Art of the Deal Tony Schwartz; and Stuart Stevens, messaging maestro of the Lincoln Project.
Do not think that the threat to our constitutional republic comes just from invaders at our southern border or Iran-supported terrorists. It comes from within:
“America will never be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” — Abraham Lincoln
TEXAS: Gov. Abbott to go from talking points to action?
We were pleasantly surprised to hear from Julie McCarty, CEO of TRUE TEXAS PROJECT, with clubs all across the Lone Star state, about plans to share “Illegal Invasion From Sea to Shining Sea” with her members.
However, a few days later, Julie emailed:
I cannot share the article with my members. It references (Texas Governor) Abbott and talks about his heroic efforts. We could not disagree more on Abbott and his efforts! I can't spread praise for a man that is doing nothing but making talking points. He has so much power and authority to truly act, he knows it, and yet he refuses.
We didn’t know … People moving to Texas from blue states such as California, New York, and Illinois leave behind dramatically awful governors who tilt so far to the left, it’s a miracle they can walk upright. Arriving in Texas they see Governor Abbott doing something, saying something and they shout, “Hallelujah!”
But for many Texas-born or long-time Texas residents, Abbott has not been doing enough. Details about what True Texas Project was demanding from the governor are on the INFO-MEETINGS-EVENTS attachment.
On October 9, Julie shared some promising news:
With all the depressing national and international news, we can’t forget that many J6 Patriots are sitting in American gulags and/or going through the legal maze awaiting prison sentencing. We are not declaring all of them innocent, but we have often asked if the sentence fits the “crime.” This is especially true when vicious repeat perpetrators commit violent crimes and aren’t even arrested, usually in Democrat-run cities. Or, if they are arrested, found guilty, and soon put back on the streets to commit more violent crimes. This even if their victims are still recovering from injuries or being buried.
Of course, this all goes back to the United States now having a two-tier justice system. Some sobering prison facts:
- There are over 2.2 million people in the current prison system within the US.
- The US is the second largest country that incarcerates its citizens, China is first, but only ahead by 100,000 people.
- Taxpayers pay $7.4 billion annually to the Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
- The recidivism rate is approximately 68%, so the system doesn't work nor deter crime.
- 58% of the prison population is WHITES, not Black's, as BLM claims
CALIFORNIA: Steve Garvey enters U.S. Senate race
On the REPUBLICAN side, for more than a year, Republican senatorial candidates Eric Early and Denice Gary-Pandol have been crisscrossing California speaking to large and small groups about why they are running for the U.S. Senate. Now, just a few months before the primary, former (as in decades ago) baseball player Steve Garvey decides he’s also going to run.
Since California sends the top two primary vote getters to the general election, how nice that Garvey reduces the chances that ANY Republican will be on the ballot. If Garvey seriously wants to be the next senator from the once Golden state, he should have announced months ago and started attending club meetings in all 58 counties. That’s called pounding the pavement, which Early and Gary-Pandol have been doing for more than a year! At the very least, Garvey should have announced he was running BEFORE the California GOP convention that was just held in Anaheim. This way, Republicans would have had the opportunity to talk with him. In our view, Steve Garvey wants the umpire to call it a walk but instead he has struck out!
If you want to share your thoughts with Steve Garvey, it seems his Facebook page is the only place. Link below.
Bidenomics Continues to Fail
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the September jobs report on October 6 stating that 336,000 new jobs were added to payrolls and unemployment was unchanged at 3.8 percent. Within minutes, Joe Biden was escorted to the podium to read his teleprompter touting how good things are thanks to Bidenomics. But these numbers do NOT make sense! If there were 336,000 new jobs, unemployment should have gone down. Thanks to Bidenomics:
- 73,000 of the new jobs were GOVERNMENT jobs—28 percent of the total. Who thinks government needs more employees?
- Full-time employment DECREASED by 22,000 jobs.
- Part-time employment INCREASED by 151,000 jobs.
- 123,000 more Americans are holding MULTIPLE jobs. Probably to make ends meet.
- Each part-time job counts as “one job.” If someone took THREE part-time jobs because they couldn’t find one full-time position, the Bureau counts those three part-time jobs as THREE jobs.
- For the last year, the biggest gain in the employment-to-population ratio was from from workers 65 and older—NOT prime age workers. Who thinks that due to Bidenflation, seniors are taking jobs to pay for necessities?
Are We Now a Communist Nation?
Some recent events that make us wonder if the republic can be saved. In the days following the Hamas brutal attack on Israel, many colleges and universities saw rallies in support of the terrorist organization. That’s right, students who can go to sleep each night without worrying about a terrorist coming into their room to rape or slaughter them were professing their support for the ruthless Hamas. We guess these schools of higher learning will now offer classes such as Beheading 101 or Advanced Mutilation.
Or is The Tide Turning to Freedom?
With our prayers and involvement, we must have hope of saving our republic. Let’s look at some recent wins that show the tide might be turning in the direction of Conservative Judeo-Christian values. However, we need Republican LEADERSHIP, which seems to be in short supply:
- In 2021, firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson announced they would be leaving blue Massachusetts for red Tennessee. On October 8, the company officially opened its new 650,000 square foot building in Marysville as part of a $125 million relocation.
- The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) has federations in all 50 states plus territories. Since its founding WOMEN could be members with men joining as associated members. No one questioned this membership criteria until woke insanity of BIOLOGICAL MEN insisting they are women. In recent years, members in various state federations tried to change bylaws to include the word BIOLOGICAL before the gender.
However, state and national Federation leaders feared lawsuits and refused to consider a bylaw change. Some clubs and members left the federation because of this issue as well as other concerns.
Good News:
During NFRW’s 2023 convention in Oklahoma City in late September, the official slate of executive officers was voted DOWN. As Peter LaBarbera reported in World Net Daily’s “Huge Victory for Real Women Over ‘Trans’ in Major GOP Women’s Group” (link below): Grassroots conservative women scored two remarkable victories at the biennial convention of the National Federation of Republican Women in Oklahoma City, with four non-endorsed candidates sweeping into office against a heavily favored slate of officially backed candidates with built-in advantages.
The upstart NFRW women championed a successful resolution stating that only genuine women should be voting members in the 85-year-old women’s organization – overcoming a concerted effort by the outgoing leadership to block the measure from being voted on at the convention.
MassResistance had been actively involved in this issue in California for a long time. Following news about the NFRW bylaw change, MassResistance Field Director Arthur Schaper told Patriot Neighbors:
"We are so glad to see that new leadership has been elected at the national level and will put a stop to men in dresses taking away women's spaces in a Republican women's organization!"
Patriot Neighbors welcomes sharing readers’ opinions.
MARXIST CHAOS IN UNITED STATES IS INTENTIONAL- Chuck Teal — Upstate New York -Can you blame honorable people for not wanting to be in law enforcement these days, at least in major (Democrat-led) cities? But there will soon be a place for more of the bullying, thuggish, dishonorable, "I was just following orders" type of recruits; that's how 'black shirt' storm trooper police forces and Gestapo-style security agencies stocked with Soviet-style 'political officers' arise.
Make no mistake, this is all intentional; it's part of the plan by socialists/Marxists/communists/progressives to destroy the United States as a functioning, free society by creating chaos in every imaginable way. Evil minds following an evil ideology have a lot of imagination. They worm and lie their way into positions of power from which they wreak havoc on the company, community, or nation by causing rot from within. And because their cohorts in crime (e.g., corrupt judges, DAs and politicians) protect and enable them, they often feel they can act with impunity, all at the expense (in every sense) of the people they're supposed to protect and serve.
Those 'behind the curtain', the ones instigating, financing, and ordering the mayhem are waiting for the moment citizens get fed up enough to rise -- the 'torches and pitchforks' segment of society -- so that they can drop all pretense of constitutional law, suspend your rights, and take TOTAL control through continual surveillance, by force of arms, economic lockdown and manipulated law. You'd best try to get ready for what's surely coming, and that doesn't even include what God and cosmology has in store for us.

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