Leah Barkoukis
October 17, 2023
Prior to the State Department finally announcing it would begin facilitating charter flights out of Israel for U.S. citizens, GOP Rep. Cory Mills of Florida was already on the ground helping evacuate stranded Americans. “If I had to come over here and do Biden’s job, so be it,” Mills said of his efforts in Israel, which come two years after he and a team similarly helped evacuate U.S. citizens from Afghanistan amid the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal. On Saturday, he announced he had helped bring 96 Americans out of Israel already and said he secured a charter plane that could hold 218 passengers. He emphasized in separate messages one important point: “In contrast to Joe Biden's charter flights, this service is provided to passengers FREE OF CHARGE."
Meanwhile, the State Department's notice to Americans in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, informs them they will need to pay the government back for a flight that doesn't even bring them home. "You will be asked to sign an agreement to repay the U.S. government prior to departure," the update reads. "If you accept this assistance, you should be prepared to arrange your own lodging and onward travel from the safe location to your final destination." In addition to Mills, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also took the initiative to bring Americans home free of charge................To Read More.....
Adam Kinzinger on DeSantis Airlift: 'You Can't Do That!' DeSantis: 'Hold My Beer.' - By Paula Bolyard October 16, 2023- It’s no surprise that a Swamp Creature like Kinzinger would just throw up his hands and say, “Can’t be done!” and leave Americans in harm’s way—like Joe Biden did with Americans stranded in Afghanistan after his disastrous withdrawal. DeSantis, on the other hand, found a way to get the job done. When Americans are in danger, there’s no time to wait around for our dysfunctional Congress or some regulatory agency to sign off on every jot and tittle. Get the Americans home. Period. Americans who took the Biden administration up on its offer to help evacuate from Israel were, unfortunately, dumped in Cyprus, Athens, or Germany and warned that they would need to pay for the transportation costs and find their own way back to the U.S., which Lincoln Brown wrote about last week. They were required to sign promissory notes agreeing to repay the U.S. government for travel costs.............
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