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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

On Destroying America

Liberals taught us to question authority. It is now time to question theirs

By —— Bio and Archives--September 9, 2019

To survive what may be coming, you have to be strong, well anchored, and assured in the midst of craziness and deception everywhere. We are lied to, deceived, and manipulated constantly to believe what isn’t so. Any weakness will declare itself quickly.  Our country is being dismantled, systematically, methodically. It has been going on for a long time, with patience and stealth, since at least the sixties and it is happening from within. Almost everything the Left needs to finish is now in place.

A recent Washington Times op-ed listed a set of conditions that are needed to destroy a nation. Anyone who reads the conditions and compares them with what is now happening and yet disagrees is either not looking or doesn’t want to see. I have added some that I felt were omitted or needed to be included. Some will overlap.

The first condition is to destroy the religion that holds the country together...Christianity. Churches have been decimated by liberal theology…ministers, priests and lay persons preaching their own gospel, counting money instead of souls saved.........
  • The destruction of the nuclear family .............
  • Selling maleness as toxic..........
  • Our education system has been decimated...........
  • Tribalism…divide and conquer..........
  • Immigrate........
  • Make government bigger.........
  • Make everything political............
  • Take over high tech.........
  • Take control over a major political party..........
  • Create a new social order and standard of behavior......................To Read More....

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