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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

It’s Official: The Democrats Just Want You Dead

The Democrats have their own violent, armed wing. It’s no longer the Klan with their white hoods. It’s Antifa and their black masks.

Sebastian Gorka  September 8th, 2019

Americans are normalizing violence in their politics, but not in the way the media and the “experts” would have you believe.

No, “white supremacists” are not the greatest threat to your safety, despite what Don Lemon and his cohorts in the Fake News Industrial Complex say. In fact, of 250 shootings in America wherein four or more people were shot (which is the official definition of a “mass” shooting), not one of the perpetrators was a conservative, let alone a “white nationalist.” But that hasn’t stopped the Democrats.

It has been more than two months since the gay Asian journalist Andy Ngo was brutally attacked by Antifa a block from the police headquarters in Portland, Oregon. In the nine weeks since, not one of his left-wing attackers has been charged, despite the multiple witnesses and clear video footage. It seems that if you call yourself an anti-fascist, you can act with impunity and use violence for optical ends in cities controlled by the Democratic Party.

But this isn’t about one-off events. This is not about at-risk journalists. If you believe in our Constitution, this is about you..........To Read More.....

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