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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Antifa-Controlled Portland Police Bureau Faces Mass ‘Exodus’ As 50+ Officers Quit Over Insane and Dangerous Far Left Policies


As Portland trends further and further from Democrat to Marxist, the rank-and-file officers of the Portland Police Bureau have been put in the unenviable position of being ordered by the mayor to cater to the far left protesters and rioters like Antifa. At the same time the officers also face a more and more irate public, angry at the police bureau’s propensity for ceding the city to the protesters on a regular basis.

The latest shocker? The city council is consulting with a Baltimore based Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson to strategize over how the next police contract should be written...........
You mean recall the bureau’s hands-off approach during the 2016 election week riots, where scores of mask clad antifa smashed up windows and cars, with officers nowhere to be seen. In fact, central precinct commander Chris Davis even assisted the rioters by shutting down I-5 so they could riot some more..

Need an officer to respond to you? Despite having 350 patrol officers at any given time on the streets, it takes 8.6 minutes for an officer to arrive to a scene. Car thefts can’t even be prosecuted anymore. Assaults are becoming more and more common, and if you’re a victim, there’s only a 3.5% chance any investigation will take place.........So who’s ready to fill the void left by the exiting officers? Leftist SJW’s...........Welcome to Portland.........To Read More....

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