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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

When Are Crimes Not Crimes? When Are Criminals Not Criminals?

By Rich Kozlovich

Democrats, media, Never Trumpers, Mueller, Comey, DOJ, FBI, and the rest of the Deep State have an absolutely overwhelming desire to destroy President Trump.  A desire that borders on mental instability, and they will do anything it takes to make that happen.

They’re now pinning their hopes, on testimony from Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, a man who has “surreptitiously has audio-recorded clients.” You would think that’s illegal, but it’s not in the state of New York.  The New York state, county and city Bars think it isn’t illegal but it is unethical.

The American Bar Association thinks if it isn’t illegal it isn’t unethical.   And we’re surprised at that why?

However, his personal ethical bar is stunningly low, which has been demonstrated over a host of issues to the point of illegality such as: “He has evaded taxes. He has made false statements to a bank to get a loan. He cashed a $350,000 check made out to him by a Russian hockey player with the cash to be passed along to the girlfriend of a Russian mobster. He has gotten himself into a morass with New York City taxi medallions to the degree that the Taxi and Limousine Commission demanded he sell all the medallions he owned within two weeks or have them revoked.”

History is the great leveler of truth and we know, absolutely know, Cohen is a liar, a cheat, a thief and corrupt to the bone. Not one word said by a man with his lack of character can be trusted. But now the media, including alleged conservative news sources like National Review and American Standard Weekly, are assuring us Trump is going to jail and mostly it's because of Cohen. Maybe we need to recap!

We now have the FBI and the Justice Department who’ve been caught up in what has to be considered serious criminal activity in their investigations. We have illegally forced confessions by Mueller and his team. We have FBI officials and Justice Department officials signing off on RISA warrants they either never read, or didn’t care if they were valid or not. All violations of federal law. And we have a corrupt attorney spewing out who knows what at this point.

And Trump’s in trouble?

The FBI and Justice Department went after General Flynn for lying under oath while believing he didn’t really lie under oath, and forced a guilty plea in order to prevent the FBI from going after his son. A man they’ve pretty much bankrupted at this point who agreed to plead guilty just to stop the legal, financial and mental brutality they’ve heaped on his family. This is the pattern they’ve continued throughout this outrageous “investigation”. Here's the latest article.  How the FBI set up an American patriot for the kill.

Here's a quote from that article I think is telling:
"I’ve been reflecting on this scenario ever since General Michael Flynn was charged with making a false statement to the FBI. Let me explain why." 
"Flynn, a decorated thirty year Army man, has pled guilty to the charge and is about to be sentenced by the court. But, despite Flynn’s guilty plea, a great deal of mystery surrounds his case. For, in the context of his decades of devotion to duty and honorable service to the country, the charges against him make no sense. Why did he do it? How could it happen that this decent and courageous man would take this wrong turn so late in his otherwise exemplary life? How was it that he became a criminal just as he was assuming his new role as President Trump’s National Security Adviser?...........  
"La Cosa Nostra couldn’t have set it up better. This was right out of their playbook. The FBI went to Flynn as friends and then — BAM! — they figuratively blew his brains out"........ 
"But for Flynn, like anyone targeted by the government, the process is the punishment. As a result of being arrested and charged, he has been bankrupted and forced to sell his home and possessions to pay legal fees as he tries to defend himself and his family. Under these circumstances, whether or not Flynn goes to prison, he and his family have been devastated."
But now, entering stage right, comes Gerome Corsi who is suing Mueller, McCabe, Comey, Strzok and the rest of that corrupt cabal for attempting to force him to lie under oath or go to jail for claiming he lied under oath, knowing full well they approved of his amended testimony over trying to remember what was in hundreds of e-mails.

Now the worm is going to turn.

This will generate Freedom of Information Act requests, and they will have to turn over information during discover questioning.  When this occurs, Mueller, and who knows who all else, will have to face the same kind of questioning they’ve put others through, and I don’t believe Gerome Corsi will settle. He will insist all information derived through this lawsuit, which is a criminal as well as a civil suit, be made public.

How will he fare? I have, at this point, 116 articles I’ve linked about Mueller and his corrupt practices. I have 64 articles regarding Comey's practices, and 25 about Rosenstein, seven regarding the Flynn investigation, 97 over the practices of the FBI that should give everyone chills, 49 on the Justice Department that forces one to ask ask: Who enforces the law when the law enforcers are the breakers? It seems to me at some point someone will take notice of all this criminal activity.

(Editor's Note: Many of these articles have over lapping links to the same articles, so pick and choose accordingly.)

 At some point all this crime and corruption has to amount to acts of treason. Or did I miss something?   If not treason, then enough serious criminal activity that must justify a RICO investigation.  Or am I the only person in the world that sees this obvious mass of criminality in that light?

I have to believe Corsi’s criminal suit will force the lid off this government garbage can, but as the journalist in the movie, Charlie Wilson’s War kept saying, “We’ll See!”

As for the answer to When Are Crimes Not Crimes? When Are Criminals Not Criminals? When honest people fear to call out a criminal for his crimes, and this includes those in government. When government officials can commit crimes with impunity, then they’ve become the Mob, and like the Mob, there will be no end to their vile behavior.  

Editor's Note:  This appeared in my mail box today.  Missing Flynn document in Mueller file could rile judge at sentencing hearing

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