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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

CNN’s Collusion with Camp Comey Revealed, and Americans are FURIOUS

This, my friends, is why the freedom of the press is so important. We must maintain our ability to combat this mainstream collusion.

Americans have a mighty distrust of the mainstream media as of late.  While many would like to blame this on the ramblings of President Donald Trump, the phenomenon has been a near permanent piece of our American history.

In fact, the very ethos of the First Amendment is proof positive that Americans have been rightfully questioning authority for centuries.  The freedom that we bequeathed upon the press in our nation’s founding was for the purpose of combating “fake news” and propaganda.  Those would have the First Amendment adjusted in any way are merely doing so to advance their own agenda by quashing the dissenting voices.  (I’m looking at you, Google).

What’s worse still in our modern age of digital fascism is the fact that the mainstream media appears to be actively playing along…and, according to new reports, may even be playing an active role in anti-Trump governmental affairs............To Read More....

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