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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Big mistake for Muller to indict Jerome Corsi

There is an old expression: What goes around comes around! In the context of my client Dr. Jerome Corsi – a 72 year-old, vibrant, renowned and distinguished conservative journalist, investigative reporter and accomplished New York Times best-selling author now in the cross-hairs of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “witch hunt” to take down President Donald J. Trump – should Mueller and his prosecutorial comrades indict the good doctor, they will have made a huge mistake.

Unlike other subjects or targets of Mueller’s runaway investigation, Dr. Corsi does not labor from the near-universal notion that one has to play “nicey nice” with the special counsel to escape unjust prosecution. Indeed, the president himself, at least from a legal perspective, notwithstanding his daily tweets, apparently has been counseled to effectively roll over to Mueller.............

Mueller offered Dr. Corsi what the special counsel in his infinite arrogance considered a sweetheart plea deal if he lied and falsely ratted out Roger Stone and President Trump with regard to alleged Russian collusion, but my client stood his ground in self-defense and told the special counsel to stick it where the sun don’t shine.............This complaint, to be filed with Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and the heads of the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of my alma mater, the U.S. Department of Justice, will set forth the crimes of obstruction of justice, witness tampering and witness intimation, among other felonies, committed by the special counsel and his staff, as well as his spokesperson, Peter Carr, and others in his office, who have furthered the criminal leaks of grand jury information not just about Dr. Corsi, but a myriad of the putative and now actual defendants. Stay tuned for this filing this Monday, which will ask for Mueller’s removal and professional discipline and much more by way of criminal prosecution for him and his accomplices......... To Read More

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