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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 4, 2017

Chilling peek inside John McCain's wicked heart

Jesse Lee Peterson

Sen. John McCain is at it again!   Sen. McCain recently wrote a scathing column for the Washington Post attacking President Donald Trump as “poorly informed” and “impulsive.” McCain stated, “We are not his subordinates. … we don’t answer to him.”  The Arizona senator also called for compromise on a litany of important items, including on Trump’s campaign promise to build a “big, beautiful wall.” McCain wrote that “a literal wall might not be the most effective means” to secure the border. Instead, he wants a “comprehensive” bill Democrats can get behind.

John McCain is losing it! Or, perhaps this is the real McCain finally coming out. During his 30 years in the Senate, McCain has fooled the public and pretended to be a conservative Republican. The fake news media have depicted him as a “maverick” who isn’t afraid to stand up to his own party. But McCain has always been a RINO, and he is not an honorable man. The election of President Trump is exposing his true nature and lack of character.........Read more............

My Take - McCain's cancer is aggressive and the average life span after diagnosis is 14 months.  This is the same affliction that killed Ted Kennedy - and like Kennedy - he's going to be as obnoxious as he can with the time left.  But as the article points out - and as I've stated - all these issues, especially the Charlottesville rampage - are exposing everyone as to whom and what they are. 

That's the silver lining in all this.  Everyone is being exposed!

The media is clearly showing they can no longer claim nuetrality, the RINO's, no longer being able to hide, are coming out of the woodwork, leaders of industry and commerce are being shown for their left wing radical inclinations, and the Democrats are being exposed for the radicals they are and the anarchists they support. 

The 2018 elections are going to be a blood bath for the Democrats and the Republicans.  The difference is the Republican's will get their blood bath in the primaries.  I expect to see a great many Republicans in Congress not getting nominated by their party for the midterms, and I expect this midterm to be bigger and more virulent than ever in modern American history.  

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