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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Why the Democratic Party Hates the President of the United States

By Robert Steven Ingebo

Now that Hillary Clinton has lost the presidential election, the Democrats feel emotionally betrayed and have lost all hope. They see President Trump as a human wrecking ball who will destroy the U.S. welfare state through his policies of deporting criminal illegal immigrants, the extreme vetting of refugees entering the U.S. and those immigrating from countries that are state sponsors of radical Islamic terrorism, building a wall on our southern border, the deregulation of business, the lowering of personal and corporate taxes, supporting the fossil fuel industry, repealing and replacing the ACA, etc. This explains, in large part, why the Democrats keep repeating the statement that President Trump is “not my president.”.............Additionally, from the middle of the 2016 presidential campaign to the present day, some very prominent Democratic politicians have been playing the race card, calling President Trump a racist and a bigot, and his supporters deplorables and irredeemables.

These vile accusations were factored into the decisions made by the voters in formerly blue states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania who voted overwhelmingly for President Trump. Their votes, combined with the additional votes from the other flyover states, enabled him to achieve a total of 304 electoral votes, well over the 270 required to win the presidency............ To Read More....

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