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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Cock Crows for Rural America

By Jim Beers

Only hours ago, Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States. Whatever your opinions about Mr. Trump and no matter how you voted: Rural Americans should consider a Psalm that has never left my memory since I first read it; it is the analogy of the sentry as the man yearning for God. While Mr. Trump and politics are not subjects of spiritual purpose, it is fair to say that Rural America, like that sentry, has been in an increasingly dark night of government abuse for decades and relief is coming.

Whether it is:

- GI (Government Issue) wolves killing domestic and wild animals of value or threatening the safety of children and the elderly.
  • GI grizzly bears killing campers, hunters, bicyclists and others.
  • Fishy claims destroying agriculture or specious claims about birds destroying timber management and entire Counties from government services to families.
  • Government land closures destroying communities and economies while causing immense and spectacularly expensive fires that destroy homes and communities.
  • Alliances between bureaucrats and radical organizations to pass, modify and then invoke laws to destroy dams, claim absolute federal hegemony over every aspect of Rural Life from “ALL WATERS OF THE US” to closing the last lead mine and smelter as a clandestine tool of gun control.
  • Debilitating Executive Order after Executive Order issued with disdain that exceeds the “Orders” of Czars, Emperors, Kings and modern day dictators.
The list could go on almost forever but I leave it to you to note the federal oppressions affecting your family, your community and your state.

It is an undeniable fact that no American President or “his” bureaucrats of the last 25 years has done any more than increase the presence of wolves and grizzly bears, or “Declare” Wildernesses and “Sanctuaries”, and grow the federal workforce as they tighten the covert relationships between bureaucrats and radical groups that trade money, jobs and influence at the expense of Rural America.

If I had a nickel for every time I wrote or spoke about the necessary reforms as things got worse and was told (4 days ago was the most recent) “Oh you’ll never be able to do anything about ‘it’”, I could move to one of those gated communities with all the “successful” bureaucrats that have been destroying Rural America. Well the cock has just crowed and slivers of light are just visible on the horizon.

Donald Trump is an outsider that overcame the “establishment” in his own Party and the opposition. He overcame a very hostile media and a punditry of arrogant mavens. The foregoing are and have been the furtive soldiers of the environmentalist/animal rights’ organizations destroying Rural America as well as Constitutional governance and the Rights of all Americans while disguised as saviors of “the ecosystem”. He owes none of them anything.

Donald Trump is faced with two things of importance to Rural Americans. While he faces many other challenges, he wants and needs to: 1.) Reduce government spending and 2.) Grow the economy.

Reducing the Executive Orders; the size of the federal workforce, the overreach of environmental jurisprudence (i.e. laws, regulations, etc.) and restoring renewable natural resource management to government lands as they are REDUCED will do those TWO THINGS President Trump desires and Rural America sorely needs:

1.) Reduce Government Spending.
2.) Grow the Rural (and American) Economy.

Think of it as a WIN/WIN.

Now is the time to identify THE LAWS that are the basis of the regulations that are causing all of the rural mayhem affecting you and your communities. Those laws must be either:

A. Amended.
B. Repealed (like Prohibition).
C. Replaced, or
D. Limited in scope, jurisdiction and authority. (See my 29 October 2016 article titled Without Consent in an email with the subject line A Proposal for President Trump.) All of these unjust and un-Constitutional laws and bureaucratic rules, i.e. ESA, EPA, Land Acquisitions, etc.: are based on laws passed by Congress and signed by the President. Therefore, the Congress and the President can create restrictive requirements for State Government Approvals Required for any federal action under color of named laws.

Now identify re-elected and new politicians that supported President Trump from the get-go and potential appointees as they are revealed, and share your ideas (under A, B, C, or D above) and ask them to sponsor such actions both because of the harms they are creating AND BECAUSE THEY WILL REDUCE GOVERNMENT SPENDING & GROW THE US (especially the rural) ECONOMY.

Tell your state government from the Governor on down to your bureaucrats to get behind (in a direct and forceful way) your proposals BECAUSE THEY WILL RESTORE STATE AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION. Remind them that this a serious matter and any demurring on their part will lead to hard ball politics to replace them at the earliest opportunity. We may have only four years to set right 25 years of federal actions that are increasingly transforming rural America into an unused, uninhabited and unmanaged fantasy land for urban votes to create Senators and Representatives that “run things” for 30, 40 and even 50 years. Is it any wonder that Washington treats rural Americans like 2nd class “quasi-legal” citizens?

As I wrote about a month ago: “If not Trump; who? If not now, when?” Trump will be President in January and we must take every advantage of this opportunity.

I mentioned a Psalm at the beginning of this piece that has long come to my mind. As an old shipboard watch officer, game warden, policeman, special agent and security officer I have stood many watches at all hours. Some were hidden in trees to observe hunters from their arrival, some were in woods to guard high profile persons and many were simply in silent control rooms or lonely wings of a ship’s bridge but they all shared one thing; the aching tiredness you feel late in the night as you fight sleep and try to stay alert. That Psalm goes, “My heart yearns for you like a sentry yearns for the dawn.”

For those that have not fallen asleep, the cock is crowing and the light of dawn is appearing. It is time for rural Americans to buck up and take advantage of the day after an insufferably long night.

If you found this worthwhile, please share it with others. Thanks.

Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife of many decades.

Jim Beers is available to speak or for consulting. You can receive future articles by sending a request with your e-mail address to:

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