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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hillary’s Criminal Behavior and Scandals Pile Up Before Election Day, But Will It Matter?

By Warner Todd Huston November 7, 2016

As an avalanche of stories revealing Hillary Clinton’s corruption appear across the media landscape, just in time for Election Day crooked FBI Director James Comey is pronouncing the former Secretary of State “innocent.” So, will her real scandals matter as Americans go to the polls?

Just as FBI Director James Comey announced on Friday, October 28, that the Bureau was opening a second investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal, secret email server used to avoid both America’s transparency laws and her national security laws, Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh floated an important theory as to why Comey was doing it.

Rush noted that a cynical view of Comey’s announcement might tend to bring one to imagine that it was all a feint. That Comey made his announcement to roil the news cycle, but before Election Day Comey would come out to make the miraculous announcement that they investigated and, once again, Hillary is innocent of any wrong doing......To Read More...

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