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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Why liberals hate facts

Leftists are 'strangely deaf and dumb to science'

The ironworker looks into the camera and concludes, “Your argument is invalid. Get over it. Find a job.” His video, intended to debunk the popular 9/11 conspiracy theory about jet fuel and steel beams, is a refreshing injection of reality into a narrative often plagued with mythology. The fact that a video like this is even necessary – and that the man filming it is clearly annoyed – also points to a larger problem. That problem is that liberals, leftists and collectivists of every stripe never tire of using and abusing what they call “science” as a weapon of propaganda.

The narrative goes like this: Liberals are good-hearted, open-minded people who believe in the scientific method and who reject superstitious creationism. They accept the “settled science” of man-caused global warming (and, coincidentally, the crippling socialist economic regulations that always seem to be the solution to this problem). They’re also constitutional scholars and experts on everything from the technology of the Internet to the technology of firearms. Much to their chagrin, however, those benighted, practically retarded, racist reactionary Neanderthals who insist on voting for conservatives and libertarians refuse to be persuaded by liberals’ brilliance, which of course only reinforces how stupid those knuckle-dragging Republican types are.  The narrative is then repeated ad nauseam in our popular culture: Democrats smart, Republicans stupid. Democrats love science, Republicans hate science. Atheism clever, superstitious religion foolish. Four legs good, two legs bad……To Read More….

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