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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Real War on Women

Written on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 by David L. Goetsch
One of the most consistent themes of Barack Obama’s re-election campaign was that Republicans are conducting a “war on women.” What the Republican’s supposed war on women really consists of are two components: 1) Opposition to abortion on demand for the sake of convenience, and 2) Mandatory tax-payer subsidized birth control for women. If I am following liberal logic—and I use the term loosely here—expressing moral concerns over the killing of unborn babies and thinking that women should pay for their own birth control pills constitutes an act of war. This definition of war only shows that most feminists have never been to war, or even served in the military for that matter.  Perhaps feminists should choose their metaphors more carefully. Their over-the-top rhetoric might one day come back to haunt them. For example, assume for the sake of argument that feminists and liberals in general are eventually successful in their campaign for allowing women in combat. If this happens—and they will not stop pushing until it does—there will come a time when some unfortunate women now serving in combat roles are going to find out first-hand what the term “war” really means. When women start coming home in body bags, missing limbs, or with traumatic brain injuries, feminists who think opposition to abortion and tax-supported birth control constitutes war are going to look like the foolish zealots they are….To Read More…

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