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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 3, 2023

Nancy Pelosi: Morality, Free Will and Corruption of Thought

By Rich Kozlovich

On Sunday April 2, 2023 Whitson G. Waldo, III published this piece, Nancy Pelosi's Theology and Her Politics saying:

Nancy Pelosi has been locking horns with San Francisco's Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.The good archbishop forbade that Holy Communion be administered to Nancy Pelosi within his diocese wherein is her residence.He requires that the sacrament of penance be observed for the "serious sins" of supporting abortion and homosexual behavior, including same-sex "marriage." 

The author goes on to point out the errors of her thinking, but I've often wondered at her proclamations regarding her "devotion" to the Catholic church, and her clear disregard for the teachings of the church. I think this statement by Pelosi is enlightening. 

"We have a free will. God has given us a free will, and we have a moral responsibility to live up to that free will and what it gives us." 

The exercise of free will doesn't preclude condemnation for those free will choices.  Free will is an exercise in judgement.  Some have chosen to murder people.  Some have chosen to rob people.  Some have chosen to rape people.  Should these choices in "free will" be condemned?  Yes, they should, and punished.

That illogical "free will" argument is nothing more than a rationalizational salve she uses to sooth over the open sore of her apostasy, which of course means the church is wrong, the Bible is wrong, and God is wrong.  Which then means she's right, and she not only has the right, but the duty, to ignore the church, ignore the morality it teaches, and ignore the morality taught in the Bible, ignore God, and since now she's the ultimate moral authority it's her duty to promote the latest narrative of the moment, to promote her power mongering. 

Benjamin Franklin in his autobiography stated when he was a young man he was a vegetarian, and for two reasons.  Economics and ideology, but mostly for economic reasons.  In those days it was safer and easier to travel from place like New York to Boston by ship versus overland as there weren't good roads.  

Franklin said before he became a vegetarian he had a particular fondness for fish, and during one of these trips the sailors caught a huge fish, and when they cut it open a lot of smaller fish poured out of it's stomach, so he rationalized justifying eating the meal that would be prepared from that fish in this way.  

"Since you ate them, I'm gong to eat you"  

Franklin went on to say the nice thing about being a rational creature was the ability to rationalize.  

Ted Kennedy was as contemptible as Pelosi and yet he was buried in the Church.  This piece in Catholic Culture, maintains:

A strong argument can be made for the proposition that Senator Kennedy should not have been allowed a Catholic funeral-- not because of his personal failings, but because his public stands put him in conflict with the Church. Unlike private sins, which can be absolved in sacramental Confession, serious public sins require some form of public amendment, to address the scandal that they create. Ted Kennedy never recanted his support for abortion, and so he remained in open conflict with his Church. To allow a public funeral for him meant allowing for the perception that the Church is not really serious about the abortion issue, and thus creating a new public scandal. 

The word repentance means "to turn about' and carries with it an implied responsibility to make a repair for what ill was done.  His "repentance" would have required a public position saying he was wrong in his supported the murder of innocents, and pleaded for forgiveness.  While in his final days he was regularly visited by priests, yet there is absolutely no indication he did any of those things, and that's why the article was entitled, The Kennedy Funeral: Boston's Latest Scandal.

At the end of our lives we review our lives as old friends, old enemies, old times and old memories keep pouring into our thoughts, and we go through all the woulda, coulda, should haves, and the regrets.  

Soon Pelosi will be confronted with two things.  As an out of power retired politico she may be trotted out for a sound bite occasionally, but in reality, no one will really care what she thinks, and she'll be alone with her conscience, and her rationalizations.  And secondly, she will be confronted with her mortality, one that is soon to be realized.  Will she be scandalously buried in the church as was Ted Kennedy? 

At the end, does it really matter?   Is there any believer that isn't convinced she will still have to answer for her heresy, and all that spilled innocent blood crying out for justice?  Innocent blood which she and her supporters are responsible for!  Nancy Pelosi's stand on abortion is considered a "mortal sin" by the Catholic Church, and rightly so.  Do all the Catholics who voted for Nancy Pelosi, knowing full well her stand on abortion, share in her guilt? 

One also has to wonder about a Pope who welcomed Pelosi to the Vatican 2 weeks after passing the most radical abortion bill in history, and given his actions over the years appears to be even more confused than Pelosi.  In light of all that you have to applaud San Francisco's Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone stand for refusing Pelosi the sacrament of communion.   

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