Events shape our lives, even distant and dark ones. From the time I was a wee little one, I have stopped my fear of dark places. I pick up my torch and journey alone through darkened corridors leading down into bottomless caverns of events past. I stumble upon the remnants of an intricate puzzle, which I bring back with me, and in the quiet of my dreams, are assembled before me. - H. P. Lovecraft
By Rich Kozlovich
Another week has flown, and a friend recently sent me a picture of a T-Shirt that had a saying about how when we're young we wished we were older. Then when we got there is wasn't what we'd hoped for. For those of us who are really older, that's more than true.
When this insane pandemic hysteria afflicted the nation wearing a mask became a big deal, which I simply refused to do when I could avoid it. Masks don't work!!! Okay, so get over it. At any rate I refused to go to meet my newly assigned doctor, get my eyes tested again, and get a hearing aid because of this insane masking.
Well, at it's turns out I'm working really hard to go deaf, and my eyes aren't what they were and when my doctor retired a few years ago, I never went to who is now my current doctor because I refused to wear a mask, and it all became a kind of pattern of complacency. But when you get old, reality has the tendency to give you a really good smack in the mouth to get your attention, then we have to accept that reality. So, I decided to get over this complacency and made appoints for all of the above.
I know, I know, you're asking, who cares? What's that have to do with anything? Bear with me, because this is all about life, and all aspects of life are all about patterns, reality, truth and time.
I find it disheartening at the social destruction of America we're now facing, and I have serious concerns all this may be unfixable. No matter what leftist narrative the media may spew out, or leftist insanity that's the thought of the moment, there's always reality. Reality, like truth, can be ignored, it can be twisted, it can be vilified, it can be fought against, but it can't be changed. Reality, truth and time are on the same side. And time eventually brings humanity to the The Inevitability Factor: When Reality Reaches It's Apex!
Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality. Everything we're told has a historical structure and context. Everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality. If what's presented to us fails in either category; it's wrong. All that's left to do is develop the intellectual response to explain why it's wrong.
No matter how many times they tout the idea we can alter our climate decades out, I think it well to remember we can't control natural phenomena like El Niño, which we know about and witness on a recurring basis. If that's so, and it is, why would we think they can control events that have not taken place, have no idea if they can or will take place, and speculate over potentials history simply does not support? They ignore things they know because they're inconvenient, and they make up the things they don't know.
I keep coming back to this. What's the Earth's temperature supposed to be? They have no answer. A thousand years ago during the Medieval Warming Period it was substantially warmer than it is now, as it was eight hundred years before that during the Roman Warming Period. So then, there's a question we really need to ask, which is: During those much warmer periods did any of the disasters they're predicting for today occur then?
There's absolutely nothing in the historical record to show warming caused any disasters, and in point of fact, humanity prospered during those times. If that's so, and it is, if the planet was going through a warming cycle, why shouldn't we expect to prosper now as well? That's history, and that history is incontestable. That's the reality we need to accept. Here's another reality we're most likely going to have to accept. I believe there is a good possibility we're heading into another "solar minimum". The explanation for that is in today's edition.
Yet, according to these leftist misfits we "have" to save the world from catastrophic climate change, and in order to do that we must destroy our economy with suicidal ESG investments, destroy our ability to feed ourselves, and abandon any rational concept of energy production, and accept serfdom. All of these leftist schemes are actually one scheme. Destroy America by attacking the fundamental values that made America great.
So much blood has been spilled, so much pain has been endured, so much has been lost, and now in the end, there may be so little to show for it for our children and grandchildren. We're losing everything, and so many have been made to believe all this leftist insanity is right and necessary. Whether it's environmental scaremongering, pandemic scare mongering, or social and economic destruction, the nation, and the world, are walking straight into the dystopic leftist future being planned and imposed on humanity by a tyrannical and corrupt elite. However, we have to understand this one all important fact.
It can only happen if America no longer exists.
That's the reality everyone needs to grasp, and that reality is a religious battle, a battle of faith. The battle against leftist faith! And what's leftist faith? "The Lord our God is one God", and the state will be that God, and everyone will bend the knee, or else. That's leftism. An evil religious movement that's an irrational, misanthropic, morally defective neo-pagan secular atheistic religious movement that in no way can abide things that are decent, pure and good. Starting with the French Revolution we have 235 years of history to substantiate that statement, and that history is incontestable.
Make no mistake, global warming is a 'leftist faith based initiative', and ranks at the top of scientific corruption and fraud. So, I would like to start today's issue with this article by James Marusek, which I posted in 2009, There are two paths ahead; each marked with a “Danger” signpost.
There are a lot of great commentaries in today's Issue, so, enjoy!
Have a great weekend, and create as many warm memories as you can, because warm memories never wear out their welcome in our lives.
- The Buckeye Institute Press Release
- The Buckeye Institute Press Release
- The Buckeye Institute Press Release
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- Earth Day is Killing Us By Daniel Greenfield
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- Two Shootings and a Racist Double Standard By Daniel Greenfield
- Big Tech's Disinformation Billionaire By Daniel Greenfield
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- Environmentalists Want to Make Their Religion Official Steven Hayward
- Democrats reintroduce Green New Deal in Congress By Adam Houser
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- TABOR’s Track Record: $8.2 Billion in Taxpayer Savings By Dan Mitchell
- Is Switzerland the World’s Best Nation? By Dan Mitchell
- Our relentless march to a Darwinian dystopia By Charles Martel
- It's All Just a Cold War joke. By Rich Kozlovich
- The Biden Consequence By Rich Kozlovich
- Islamophobia - or - Genocide by Muslims By Rich Kozlovich
- The Left Has A Dream. I Call it a Nightmare, Part I By Rich Kozlovich
- The Left Has A Dream. I Call it a Nightmare! California, Part II By Rich Kozlovich
- The Left Has A Dream. I Call it a Nightmare! Chicago, Part III By Rich Kozlovich
- Dylan Mulvaney Is True Legacy of Obama By Mychal Massie
- Another Non-reassuring Report On New York's Energy Future By Francis Menton
- South Africa And The Green Energy Wall Francis Menton
- How Hard Is It to Keep National Secrets Secret? – Parts I and 2 By Dave Patterson
- NOAA proposes hammering 208% of vanishing Right Whales By David Wojick
- Mao's Legacy
- A chilling account of China's mission to destroy America: Read 'Pandemonium' by Curtis Ellis
- ‘Woke Riots’ And How Democrats Created Them
- A Chinese police station of our own
- China is not unbeatable
- Tibetan Police Mass-Collect DNA and Lawmakers Say US Firm Is Helping
Crime and Leftist Insanity
- The Daily Chart: Who Pays Taxes?
- The War Being Waged Against Financial Freedom
- 'Patriotic Millionaires' Won't Sign Pledge to Pay More Taxes Voluntarily
Global Warming, Green Energy, Consequences
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- Great Reset Video of the Day with Marc Marano
- Video of the Day: The Great Reset
- Germans Have Given Up On “Green” Energy
Pandemic Insanity
Public Employee Unions
Vaccination Mandates
Voter Fraud
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