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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

All Things Great and Small Are Racist!

 By Rich Kozlovich

(Editor's Note:  I wrote a series of articles dealing with this issue and decided to organize them into one long post, 44 pages in Word. RK)

The title of this article is based on that great British TV series which ran between 1978 and 1990 called  All Creatures Great and Small about British veterinarians in the 1930's.  Although the Church of Wokeness hasn't passed judgement yet, it was clearly racist!  Why?

There weren't any blacks in the show!  And it was about white farmers and small village white people, so how could it be anything except racist?  Right?  The facts about who actually lived there is meaningless!  They should have included Asians, Hispanics, blacks and some female veterinarians.  Preferably a black lesbian veterinarian with Asian and Hispanic ancestors. 

Those are among the many and arcane identifying clues for the congregants of the Church of Wokeness to declare something....or anything....welllll.....given the current trend.......everything racist.  

According to in his article in the Federalist, A Nation Primed To See Racism In Everything Will Think Only About Race, he states:

Americans are now trained to see racism in everything, even where it doesn’t exist. Trees are racist. Hiking is racist. Your cereal box is racist. Your depictions of Santa Claus and Jesus are racist. Claiming otherwise to any of it is also racist.

Now, just  how strange can it get?  Well, it has gotten beyond strange into insane.  Here's a list of the things the true believers of the Church of Wokeness are declaring racist.

 White milk.  PETA: Cow's milk a symbol of white supremacy.  Why is white milk racist?  Because they're declaring farmers treatment of cows is an act of white supremacy and they "inflict violence on other living beings." The article went on to say: 

 The New York Times published a story titled “Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed).

Tom Brady is racist for winning the Superbowl during Black History month against a competing quarterback who was black.  

Math is racist because according to the "Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently encouraged teachers to register for training that encourages "ethnomathematics" and argues, among other things, that White supremacy manifests itself in the focus on finding the right answer."

Education is racist, supported by claims that are more like excuses and misinformation rather than expressions of reality.  

Ending lockdowns is racist.   The whiteness of anti-lockdown protests, and Teachers Unions Use Accusations of Racism To Oppose School Reopening.

Being on time is racist. "Clemson University's $25,000 diversity initiative asks professors to endorse a novel opinion about punctuality: it's wrong, and probably colonialist, to expect people to show up to a meeting on time."

Good grammar is racist.  Good grammar is "racial domination".  It appears academics believe "grammar normalizes the standards of white supremacy."

White women wearing hoop earrings is now called cultural appropriation, ergo, racist.  

Dr. Seuss is racist"Critics lambasted “woke” culture earlier this month after Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced it would no longer publish six of the celebrated author’s books due to racist and insensitive imagery."  

Justin Trudeau is racist.  One of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter Toronto, Yusra Khogali, claims Justine Trudeau is a “white supremacist terrorist.”  Of course her claims that white people are defective, and whiteness is caused by a recessive gene, prays to Allah to give her the strength to avoid killing all the white people out there, and that white people are subhuman, isn't racist.  

Movie Dunkirk is not only racist, it's gender insensitive. DUNKIRK Criticized For Lack of ‘Gender and Racial Diversity’  As one commenter asked:  "Did you honestly just complain about too many white men in a movie based off a war fought primarily by white men? Seriously?!" And I seriously doubt there were any women at Dunkirk.  And there's now a whole list of movies being declared racist. 

How about this:  "An unidentified woman walks into a U.S. Taco Bell and orders medium fries. A cashier then informs her (several times, in fact) that they are a Taco Bell and do not sell fries. After a few moments of goggle-eyed confusion, the woman concludes that prejudice is afoot. “This is racism,” she declares."

Then we have microaggression!  "What is a microaggression? 14 things people think are fine to say at work — but are actually racist, sexist, or offensive". One thing becomes clear from this piece, you can't talk to anyone without being offensive, racist, or whatever fits their narrative, and not talking to anyone will be racist.  Not to mention everyday language is now racist.  

And apparently insisting that only legal citizens who are registered voters with an I.D. is absolutely racist, here, here, here

Those promoting this claptrap are race hustlers, both white and black, who are worse than snake oil salesman.  And that includes the Democrat party, and both the Obama and Biden administrations, who have unendingly worked to generate racial unrest under the guise of equality. 

What about the congregants of the Church of Wokeness?  I have to ask: Are they so filled with a lack of self confidence, or even accomplishment, they demand the world change to accommodate and accept their failures as the standard for all of society?   Apparently so!   So at what point do we finally realize there will be no appeasing these misfits and say: I just don't care! 

I've been tracking all things being declared racist for some time, but these claims are now so persistent, and aggressive, I decided to organize them and post them.  I started with this first piece on April 11, 2022.  The fact is, this has become so persistent and so pernicious I've turned this into a series.  This administration, the media, and all those who are Woke are making these claims of racism the standard by which everyone must rally under. ....and get this..........Bird Names are now Racist

According to this June 22, 2021 article by Eric Utter the names of birds must be changed because so many of them were named by William Alexander Hammond, who happened to use the "N" word, and since he wasn't a rap artist or black, all that he accomplished must be "eviscerated from the face of the Earth", including the names he coined for the birds he identified. 

He makes an observation that should be obvious to the most casual observer:

In the same article, J. Drew Lanham, a Black ornithologist, is quoted saying that “conservation has been driven by white patriarchy.” Really? Could it be that whites organized and catalogued most of the natural world in part to protect it when no one else was doing so?  

He then makes another observation that also should be obvious to the most casual observer: 

There is no end to what one can find offensive if one is desperately looking to be offended.

Then of course there's this overriding issue of trees.  Trees, the presence of them or the lack of them, is, or can be, declared racist.  Again, Eric Utter brings another racist outrage to our attention in his piece  'Tree Inequity' plaguing, noting"

It's worse than we thought.  It's bad enough that "peoples of color" are victims of racist math and racist bird names, but now we know they are also made to suffer from "tree inequity."..........The group claims that trees are disproportionally planted in those wealthier and whiter neighborhoods and that this has "deprived many communities of color of the health and other benefits that sufficient tree cover can deliver."  The USFS funds the utilization of a 100-point system to determine whether there are "enough" trees planted in a given neighborhood, known as the new Tree Equity Score............Conversely, the extraordinary numbers of well-off white people living in desert communities in Arizona and other locations often have few or no trees on their properties.  So perhaps, say, the Department of the Interior can institute new Cactus Equity and Golf Hole Equity scores.

[the]idea of Standard English among teachers is used to maintain racist assumptions about “Black language.”  Bell stated it is evident that “anti-Blackness that is used to diminish black language of Black students in classrooms is not separate from the rampant and deliberate anti-black racism and violence inflicted upon black people in society.”“Teacher attitudes include assumptions that Black students are somehow linguistically, morally, and intellectually inferior because they communicate in Black language,”.......“The repeated references to ‘correct grammar’ and ‘standard language’ reinforce master narratives of English only as White and monolingualism and a deficit view of multilingualism......” 
So then, everyone should speak any language they choose, no matter how incomprehensible it may be to most of society?   So then the answer must be a returning to the Tower of Babel scenario to this non problem?   Do I understand that correctly?  Of is it possible this is nothing more than an excuse for the fact blacks are failing at a huge rate in public and higher education, and misdirection from the fact education in America is a failure across the board, and she and her colleagues are part of the problem.   
I just covered insane commentaries from those in academia.  The real question we should be asking is how do these blithering idiots land these cushy irresponsible jobs?  Answer?  Higher education is a snare and a racket controlled by leftist misfits, and both of these pieces are solid arguments for eliminating funding for higher education.

This must have really been a shock to Tom Hanks, NPR Attacks Tom Hanks' "Whiteness",  How "anti-racism" is rewiring our brains.  While Hanks has supported most issues of the left, it appears no one can be left enough, even after he posted a piece about how everyone should know about the 1921 Tulsa race war. 

However, apparently this isn't enough for the congregants of the Church of Wokeness and NPR.  You see, being a "Non-Racist" is insufficient.  He now needs to be "Anti-Racist".  
AOC Rips Biden Infrastructure Deal: All-White Bipartisan Negotiators Benefit ‘Structural Racism", and even capitalism is racist, as the Navy Chief of Operations, who's promoting all the insanity of the left into the military. refused to answer if capitalism is racist.  Clearly he was afraid to answer that question for fear of offending his new masters, the Magi of Madness at the Church of Wokeness.
Vince Coyner posted this piece asking, So America is racist? He points out something I keep harping on, definition, because it's definition that lead to clarity, saying
One would think, if America is to be considered a racist country, we'd want to know the definition of the word.  Who better to get that definition from than a giant of the anti-racist movement, Ibram X. Kendi, the author of How to Be an Antiracist?  Here's Mr. Kendi's definition of racism: "I would define it as a collection of racist policies that lead to racial inequity that are substantiated by racist ideas..."  Apparently, Dr. Kendi missed that day in kindergarten where the teacher said, "You cannot use the word you're trying to define in the definition of that same word."

Despite the dearth of data demonstrating that America is made up of actual racists, and indeed extraordinary proof to the contrary, the left persists...........  By proffering the fiction that America is racist, Kendi, the Democrats, and their comrades are leading the country into an inferno from which escape, in one piece and as one people, is highly unlikely

Finally, Swastikas in the brickwork, and the author points out, something that really is obvious to any rational person;  If you look for something hard enough, you'll eventually find it — even if it's not really there
The mental gymnastics performed by leftists to promote their narratives has always been amazing, and outrageous!  Finally, it's now so outrageous it's to the point the average person can see it for what it is.  A concerted effort by the Democrat party and their leftist allied misfits to drive a massive wedge between all sections of American society.  All of which is taking a toll on the rule of law and destroying the stability and continued existence of America as we've known it.
Before we delve into the latest "racist" outrages, let's delve into the left's mental gymnastics.  Who better to start with than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  In spite of all the bile she spills out about capitalism, it turns out, she's might actually be a capitalist.  Imagine that!  It turns out he's selling merchandise, but according to AOC "transactions" aren't "capitalism".  So, one point four million dollars isn't capitalism?  Is this just another example of leftist cognitive dissonance, or is it just another one of their "justified" lies to promote their narratives?  
Leftist mental creativity is mind boggling, as says:
"creatively pulling out of the proverbial magician hat amazingly artistic constructs that do not exist. They contort themselves verbally into impossible pretzeled scenarios that bear no resemblance to reality or common sense."
In the four previous pieces I outlined a list of things being declared racist, and that list grows daily, and more and more absurdly.  As an example, now creationism is white supremacy according to Allison Hooper.
 "I want to unmask the lie that evolution denial is about religion and recognize that at its core, it is a form of white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against Black bodies.  Under the guise of 'religious freedom,' the legalistic wing of creationists loudly insists that their point of view deserves equal time in the classroom.  
Science education in the U.S. is constantly on the defensive against antievolution activists who want biblical stories to be taught as fact."  Moreover, for many decades, "entrenched racism and the ban on teaching evolution in the schools have gone hand in hand."  This raises the question: "WTH?" 
I really find this to be outrageous since as one writer notes: "Universities no longer teach actual science, or at least a lot of the top ones don't."

Perhaps I could encourage Allison Hopper and Scientific American to read my annual article, Shall Every Knee Bow?, which has been called brilliant by one of my science friends, and outstandingly logical by others, albeit some remain atheists.  But agreeing or disagreeing on evolution versus creation isn't the issue.  No one can claim my piece is unscientific, and most certainly there's no way anyone can claim that position is racist in nature in any way.  

Then there's climate change "deniers".  First of all, those opposing the Global Warming activists aren't climate change deniers because they're totally aware Earth's climate has changed over and over again for it's entire existence.  What they're denying is man's ability to effect climate change as a result of CO2 emissions, and all the fraud and lies attached to their so-called "settled science".  

Apparently, the climate and how temperatures  affect Mother Earth due to solar flares, water currents around the earth, and volcanic oceanic eruptions above and below earth are now caused by environmental racism.   That and trees, or the lack there of is racist, which of course means if they're attacked by pests, disease, fire and drought, that's racist also!

Crossword puzzles have Hidden Bigotry . "The popular puzzles are largely written and edited by older white men, who dictate what makes it into the grid—and what is kept out, and "in comments sections on crossword blogs,.........debate raged.    It wasn't about race, but it was about the underlying problem, mental gymnastics to create division.  

And since insect names are now racist (as I point out in a past piece), fish names are now racist.  Worries about racism in our waterways has caused the renaming of the Asian Carp, which now is to be called "invasive carp".  The past history of the naming landmarks and locations must also be thoroughly researched to discover any possible connection that might inspire racism.

We already know enforcing laws against crime are racist, and now  Car accidents are being used to smear police officers as racist, but this one of my favorites.  A Landmark Civil Rights Lawsuit where:

 "a teacher in Evanston, Illinois, filed a landmark civil rights lawsuit against her school district. Her complaint: the district segregated staff by race for professional development, subjected students to race-shaming “privilege walks,” instructed teachers to take race into account in student discipline, and taught students that treating people equally “helps racism.” 

So, now, let me see if I've gotten this right.  Race shaming, privilege walks - whatever that is - separating staff by race, and ignoring the rules for disciplinary purposes based on race isn't racist, but promoting equality is?   Did I get that right?  Did I miss something?  Oh, yes! Did I mention that filming and exposing these fanatical CRT teachers in the classroom would be racist?

And you had better not deny you're a racist, because that's proof positive you're a racist, and the worst kind of racist, a denier! And that statement is from a radical black activist who goes by the name of Ibram X. Kendi who called his parents racists.  Why are they racists? They worked hard to give him the good life, which they did provide, and he accepted, and that made them racists! Not him for accepting all that parental goodness though.  Critical race theory makes children into the enemies of their parents.

Then there's rape and murder.  That's not crime, it's politics!.  John Hinderaker posted a piece about a 13-year-old Austrian girl who was raped and murdered by four Afghan immigrants.A 13 year old girl! I can only imagine her horror. 

The teen’s body was found wrapped in a carpet against a tree. She had allegedly being given as many as eleven pills of the drug MDMA/ecstasy by four Afghan migrants, who are said to have raped her before her death. 
How did the left respond to this abhorrent crime?  They were outraged! What were they outraged about?  "A newspaper revealed the nationalities of suspects arrested for the rape and murder of that 13-year-old girl......... attacking several employees.  Hinderaker went on to comment and ask a pertinent question:

This is typical liberal insanity. What “racism,” a “sexist society,” “capitalism” or “patriarchy” had to do with the rape and murder of this girl cannot be explained. The crime can only be attributed to the criminals who committed it.  Which, of course, is what liberals in Austria, as in the U.S., cannot abide.

In America we have misfits in leadership roles like the racist Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms

"the word “thugs” was racist.....and...... being accused of corruption was racist."

Now the study of disease and viruses is racist. It appears there are those in one university wants to "decolonise" these studies, saying: 

 White supremacy and European colonialism are embedded in the study of viruses and other diseases according to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), which has vowed to decolonise its curriculum after advising the British government on the coronavirus pandemic. The alma mater of the Chief Medical Officer for England Chris Whitty, who has led the government’s scientific response to the coronavirus, has vowed to reform its curriculum in order to make the study of tropical diseases “anti-racist”. 

And what exactly is this "decolonise" crap?  It's a Marxist concept that has nothing to do with land, but everything to do with the mind. Here's the short version.  They want to make Europeans, and whites in general, believe they don't deserve what they have, they need to repent of their privileges and need to be punished.  

If America is so racist why is it so many races are wanting to leave their socialist equity paradisaic conditions to come here?  Buck: If America’s Racist, We Should Have a Border Wall to Stop People From Coming Into a Racist Country 

Make no mistake, none of this would have been tolerated in any of these communist nations leftist applaud.   Communism survivor slams down Dem who claimed 'white nationalism' more dangerous than communism:

"an Arizona lawmaker who arrived in the country as a refugee from war-torn Vietnam took to the floor of the state House to deliver a lesson on historical realities leftists would prefer to ignore.  And when Quang Nguyen was speaking, every liberal should have been listening.

“If we don’t stand up to teach communism to our children, we’ll lose this country,” he said in a speech last week in Phoenix that’s now attracting national attention after its spread on social media.  Nguyen was responding to a speech by Democratic state Rep. Daniel Hernandez, who claimed that "white nationalism" was the greater threat to American democracy.

North Korean defector blasts flag-hating Olympian saying: 

Yeonmi Park said Berry likely would have been "executed" for disrespecting the flag of her former country.

The left has succeeded in dividing the nation – now what?

The left and its avatars (feminism, Antifa, BLM, Marxism, socialism, communism, environmentalism, etc.) is very effectively dividing America. Having taken over education, entertainment and social media, it is now endlessly engaged in pitting groups against each other. Blacks against whites. Haves against have nots. Rich against poor. Elite against plebeian. Religious against atheists. Gays against straights. Victims against oppressors. Women against men. Even the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. Have I missed anything?

As enemies of leftism, conservatives are – they must be – painted in the worse possible light: intolerant, racist, sexist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, patriarchal and every other epithet you can dream up. But if you were to ask the common conservative on the street what his or her true bias is, it comes down to this: left against right.

Take racism, for example. The accusation of racism has become the default go-to allegation for anything and everything the left doesn't like. But Dennis Prager once wrote a column explaining how to tell whether or not someone is a racist in three easy questions:

1. Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2. Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3. Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

For a conservative the answers are easy.  We would go for the conservative, period!

So, what's this really all about?  This piece, UN Attacks Western Democracies for So-Called “Systemic Racism” lays a good foundation for understanding what's really going on saying:

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights just issued a report that focused on the alleged failure of the United States, Canada, and other Western democracies to adequately address and correct so-called “systematic racism” against Africans and people of African descent. The UN report, commissioned by the dysfunctional UN Human Rights Council, praised the Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. And it parroted the Critical Race Theory’s attempt to tie every adverse condition and experience that blacks claim to suffer today in the U.S., Canada and other Western democracies to “systemic racism” rooted in the continuing legacy of slavery and colonialism.

If the left and the U.N. can get the western nations to agree to all this they will bankrupt the west, the United States, and freedom.  Their goal is to destroy the American identity, the American culture, the American economy, destroy capitalism and the U.S. Constitution and impose as socialist form of world governance, and make America pay for it.  Claims about racism is merely a tool working to that end.  

We're watching a nation being dismantled by a lunatic core of leftists, a demented President, an incompetent Vice President an insane Congressional leadership, along with many of the members, none of whom are very bright, all promoting the horsepucky.  What could possibly go wrong?  

Larry Klayman in his book, WHORES: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment, states, the Federal judiciary is made up of "political hacks", and as outrageous as that appears on the surface, rulings like this one, Obama-Appointed Judge: Prosecuting Previously Deported "Latinx" Illegal Aliens Is Unconstitutional, Racist?, gives absolute credence to that statement.   According to John Binder  this incompetent judge, who needs to be impeached,  decided: 

The federal law that criminalizes illegal reentry to the United States is unconstitutional because it is “racist” against “Latinx” illegal aliens...Judge Miranda Du, appointed by former President Obama in 2012, ruled in favor of a previously deported illegal alien from Mexico, Gustavo Carrillo-Lopez, who filed a motion to dismiss an indictment against him for illegal reentry, claiming it is discriminatory.

Specifically, Carrillo-Lopez argued that Section 1326 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) has racist origins and is therefore in violation of the equal protection guarantee of the Fifth Amendment.

Du granted Carrillo-Lopez’s motion and ruled that the law criminalizing illegal reentry is unconstitutional because she claims it is “racist” against “Latinx” illegal aliens, though she admits there is “no publicly available data” showing federal prosecutors target Hispanic illegal aliens over illegal aliens from other regions of the world.  

In effect that makes all laws governing immigration invalid placing the nation at the mercy of insane left wing activists, illegal aliens, and the criminal gangs that will take advantage of this. What utter hogwash!

Then we have those who have decided having standards in our schools is racist, as Randy Boudreaux  points out in his August 18, 2021 article, No Standard, No Problem, as it appears:

In education, equity warriors have been frustrated by a stubborn pattern in SAT and ACT scores. For decades Asians have scored higher than whites, who have scored higher than Hispanics, who have scored higher than blacks. These differences seem impervious to any K-12 education policy tinkering regardless of the policy’s ideological origin. Busing, charters, vouchers, increased spending, and universal testing have all failed to close these uncomfortable gaps.

Finally, in 2020, COVID provided the equity commissars a solution to their SAT/ACT “problem.” Many college bureaucrats who hope to increase the percentage of non-Asian minorities have discarded the SAT/ACT requirements for admission. At first, it was temporary, but then for many, it became permanent. The outcome is freshman classes with demographics that are now deemed more equitable. No standards, no problem. Equity!

So, since blacks can't read, write, do math at the same level as everyone else, reading, writing and math are all racist.  That means we have to end all standards of competence because those standards are racist structures to protect white supremacy?  But why does that explain why Asians outscore everyone, including whites?  Clearly then, education is racist.

Instead of trying to improve America’s failing grades on math and science, schools spent class time indoctrinating kindergartners, teaching five-year-olds about “racist police,” and telling students that “all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism.”

A Kentucky school district is promoting anti-racist mathematics By Andrea Widburg

At least two decades ago, for I still listened to NPR in those days, I got an “All Things Considered” storytelling me that math was too white and masculine because it dealt in absolutes, which was off-putting to women and minorities. I was introduced to the concept of fuzzy numbers. This held that if you taught kids how to do things, you shouldn’t stress them out by making sure they get the right answers. Even then, when I was still leftist(ish), I thought to myself, “I wouldn’t want to drive across a fuzzy math bridge.” That academic theory, of course, has now become a central part of the leftist push for cultural dominance, with the latest victims being the schoolchildren of Louisville, Kentucky, who will soon learn “anti-racist” math.

But as it turns arresting people for shoplifting is racist also: 

San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin refuses to prosecute “crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk.” He also prosecutes shoplifting at much lower rates than even his progressive predecessor.  Progressive D.A.s in Chicago, Seattle, New York, and Philadelphia have also refused to prosecute numerous crimes, citing their disparate impacts. These property and nuisance criminal laws are a standard of minimally acceptable behavior, yet even these standards have been discarded in the name of equity.

The BAR exam is racist, and “the relic of a racist club.”   Why? Blacks don't pass them as often as everyone else. 

Here's the one I really like,  rocks are now racist!   Hmmmmm, what exactly was the rock saying?  Was it sending death threats?  Well, it appears campus "wokeness has gone completely off their....rocker!  The 'Racist' Rock  by Joseph Klein says a  2 billion years old rock that was"named after a prominent 19th century geologist and former university president, Thomas Crowder Chamberlin", is racist because there is evidence the man used the "n" word at least once in his life...and who knows.....maybe even twice!  He goes on to quote the administration:

“The rock is a symbol of the injustice students of color face on campus daily,”........ The rock, this geology-challenged activist added,“symbolizes oppression and discrimination.”

Well, here's a picture of the rock that's an obvious racist “symbol of the injustice students of color face on campus daily,”....and ......“symbolizes oppression and discrimination.”  Wow! With snowflakes like this being prepared to lead the nation over the next 75 years that doesn't lend a great deal of confidence in the continuation of the United States. 

The "university administration’s idea of what constitutes “courage and commitment.”, but that's not enough.  It turns out libraries and reading lists are racist also at the University of Wisconsin because it's "white privilege" and that must be disrupted. 

Thanksgiving is racist also for one of the administrators there, Karla J. Strand, who says:

“I want to do my part in the disruption of what has been the acceptable ‘norm’ in the book world for far too long—white, cis, heterosexual, male,” she wrote. Strand recommended a book for her August 2021 reading list that she described as “a powerful and necessary examination of anti-fatness as anti-Blackness from a fat, Black, disabled and nonbinary trans writer extraordinaire.” Refusing to celebrate Thanksgiving, Strand calls herself a “white settler” who is occupying “stolen land.”  

So they're going to get rid of all the University buildings on the occupied stolen land?  Well, how's this for a reader comment: There are no native Americans.  Indians are immigrants from Asia.

Here are some thoughts I've rammed together from the comments section I thought worth sharing. 

A gun kills people, a rock is racist, a boy can be a girl, killing babies is ok because our bodies our choice, but you will be forced to have an experimental drug injected into you against your will. The lunatics are truly running the asylum. One thing is certainly clear -- the boulder that was removed from the U. Madison campus possesses exponentially greater intelligence, cognitive ability and intellectual capacity than any of these miserable, coddled, spoiled, narcissistic, ingrate, dim-witted students, and, their administrator/chaperone enablers. Boy, I'm glad that's settled. Who knew all you had to do is move a rock, and racism would disappear.  It may be that the rock was reminding them of their brains.  Just think they will be let loose on society and might be able to work somewhere, maybe.  But here’s the real scare.

They vote and breed!

Now it turns out Umpires are now racist also.:

That's right.  You read it correctly.  Major-league umpires are racist, and it's "based on allegedly erroneous ball and strike calls and which player benefits from the errant call."  However, the facts show:

The difference of the alleged racist calls amounted to a grand total of 0.3 percent, something so minuscule that even a professional race-baiter like Al Sharpton likely wouldn't have noticed.  

Okay, so we need to stop calling strikes on blacks and Hispanics?  What could be more fair than that?  Right?

Columbia med school will teach students how to 'disrupt racism,' confront microaggressions, they could face. A medical school professor, who is also the diversity director, said that the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota has made the situation worse at the New York institution. Professor Jean Alves-Bradford said in a news release that “it’s been very difficult for students in general, but especially for students underrepresented in medicine.”

Now why would anyone think that's irrational?  Right?
And of course the Second Amendment is racist as  ACLU, which claims to defend constitutional rights, smears 2nd Amendment as racist.
One of America's long-standing civil rights organizations is now attacking Americans' right to keep and bear arms.  The uncanny irony came in the form of a July 16 article from the American Civil Liberties Union, which discussed the "anti-blackness" that allegedly prompted the founding fathers to include the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Yes, an organization that once championed individual rights is attacking one of the most integral aspects of the Bill of Rights. We can't make this up.
 How long before all the ten amendments are racist?

“We’re all travelers in this world. From the sweet grass to the packing house. Birth ’til death. We travel between the eternities.” — Robert Duvall as Prentice Ritter in Broken Trail

We're born, we die, we leave whatever we were behind, for good or for ill. But leftism is like rust, it never sleeps.  It just moderates to accommodate the latest philosophical flavor of the day.  At one time the left, always represented by Democrats, promoted extreme racism, from slavery to eugenics. 

But when Republicans overturned all that, with the blood of over 600 thousand white soldiers during the Civil War, then passing the Civil Rights Act around 100 years later, and yes, it was the Republicans under Republican Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen who made that happen, all of which many Democrats opposed, including President John F. Kennedy before he was assassinated.   Now, all those leftist racists are gone, but their philosophical progeny remains, and has flourished. How? By redefining their racism.

When the tide turned, the left turned on a dime, taking a 180 degree turn by ridding itself of Democrats who were openly racist and then claimed all these civil rights advances were theirs, and it was the Republicans who were racists. 

Even Senator Robert Byrd, a member of the Ku Klux Klan, who in the early 1940's became the recruiter and Exalted Cyclops of a KKK chapter he and his friends created, recanted and joined the rest of the leftist march away from their racist past.  

While at one point in his life he claimed in a letter sent to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS) saying:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. — Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[15][30]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to Samuel Green, the Ku Klux Klan's Grand Wizard:

"The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."

Recanting in later years claiming that joining the KKK was:

.........the greatest mistake I ever made."........... "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena.".........I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions.".......... "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ............. and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

So, was he really converted to realizing racial intolerance was wrong, or did he realize the changes in society made it clear his racist views were not going to promote his alleged "talents and ambitions" for a political future in the Democrat party?  I go for the latter.  It's my view that if America hadn't changed he wouldn't have either. 

Now, has anything really changed for the left, who've been unendingly racist and antisemitic with their positions and policies, all the while proclaiming the opposite, following the pattern of leftist propaganda that's existed forever.  

Von Papen quoting propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels:

‘During the many years of struggle, I have learned how to influence the masses so that they will follow us without question. Whatever decisions we took during those years, we prepared the ground by the incessant repetition of suitable slogans, until the party members believed every word of them. We shall now have to use the same methods to convince the entire German nation of the necessity for Government’s economic and political measures.’”

That pattern of thinking and action is still in play, as it turns out Larry Elder, a conservative black commentator running against California Governor Gavin Newsom in the recall election, is racist!   

LA Times columnist goes there: 'Larry  Elder is the black face of white supremacy'

“He is a danger, a clear and present danger,” said Melina Abdullah, cofounder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles…........“Anytime you put a Black face on white supremacy, which is what Larry Elder is, there are people who will utilize that as an opportunity to deny white supremacy. They say, ‘How could this be white supremacy? This is a Black man.’ But everything that he’s pushing, everything that he stands for, he is advancing white supremacy.”

In this piece of August 28, 2021,  The Media’s Racist Attacks on Larry Elder, by  Joel B. Pollak, the author pointing out what should be obvious to everyone.  The rules are different in the media for accusations against Democrats, and Republicans, white or black.

What if this was reversed, and Larry Elder was the Republican Governor of California facing a recall election, and his main opponent was a rich white male Democrat who the Republican governor nefariously tried to keep off the ballot, and claimed he was guilty of financial irregularities that were criminal, and spewed out claims about sex, drugs and violence against a woman, the media would have gone nuts.

Yet all these things the things Democrats in power threw at Larry Elder because Larry Elder is an ultra conservative, a Republican, and the the Democrats find he's an alarmingly articulate and intelligent man, ergo, he's a racist, and the “black face of white supremacy"!  And the media is all on board with that.  

Why isn't that leftist racism?  Because charges of racism only go one way, and that way has nothing to do with truth, justice and the American Way.   It's all about headlines........... L.A. Prosecutors Will Not Pursue Accusations Against Larry Elder — After CNN Gets Its Headline, and the left's pattern of propaganda has history, and that history continues: 

".........we prepared the ground by the incessant repetition of suitable slogans, until the party members believed every word of them. We shall now have to use the same methods to convince the entire German nation of the necessity for Government’s economic and political measures.’” 

Let's try and get this right once and for all.  None of these charges are about racism, inequity or unfairness. It about the acquisition of power, and that's the only moral foundation the left will ever adhere to.  Period!  


It must be nice being on the left.  Anything that displease you is ....welll....racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and somewhere, and soon I hope, someone will publish an official list of the Democrat "phobias", if for no other reason, I'm not sure I can keep track of them all. 

If a conservative, a white, a Republican, etc. accuses a Democrat of wrong doing.....they're racists....and more.....

 "Democratic politicians have repeatedly argued that criticizing a Democrat's behavior just isn't something a normal, kindhearted person would ever do. Their critics, by definition, are exclusively composed of racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, white supremacists, and other bigots. The journalists who report on these criticisms are just as evil, Democrats agree".

Well, that settles it....Democrats agree!  How could anyone find fault with that?

It's the same with crime reports. MSNBC's Joy Reid complains about Gabby Petito media coverage, calls it 'missing white woman syndrome'.  Her complaint is this story gets "national media attention only because she was a young white woman."  Really? Must be true, Joy Reid, considered a blatant racist, who has an audience of a kindergarten class, in size and mentality,  said it's so.   How can anyone find fault with that?  Is that reasonable?  Well, does it matter since "reason" is now racist, along with a host of things normal people think or as positive qualities, all of which are now signs of "white supremacy".

On August 21, 2021 Eric Utter in his, "Insanity unbound" states:

It’s finally come to this: according to “progressives,” Reason is “racist” Sanity and logic, too. 

 All are "patriarchal, and a disgusting vestige of WHITE SUPREMACY!!"  How could any rational person disagree with that?  Right?  Well, maybe we need to start disagreeing and calling things as they are.  Perhaps we need to start actually using reason, logic, discipline, etc, and redefine all this for what it is,  Anti-White Racism:
As any student of George Orwell knows, no authoritarian government can ever gain complete control unless it commandeers people’s thinking through the manipulation of language. Thus, the dystopian powers in “1984” deliberately turned the meaning of words upside-down in a process known as double-think. The same process is happening today with the words used to discuss racism.  In true Orwellian fashion, Ibram X. Kendi (pictured) insists that the only way to fight racism is to embrace racial discrimination in perpetuity. This “anti-racism,” as he calls it, is as likely to stamp out genuine racism as Orwell’s Ministry of Truth was apt to stamp out falsehoods.

Well, it's been my view Thomas Sowell is one of the finest minds in the world today, and maybe it's time the rest of us took Thomas Sowell's advice and follow the example of this Virginia Republican who goes off on Democrats in this EPIC rant: ‘Enough!’

This article takes the cake, Wisconsin Democrat Mandela Barnes Suggests National Parks Are Racist, saying: 

Wisconsin Senate Democrat candidate Mandela Barnes claimed last July that national parks “weren’t made for the enjoyment of people who weren’t white.”...... national parks are a part of the systemically racist fabric of America because the “parks are on land that was indigenous.”

Well, he also blathers about how America is a terrible nation, and the police need to be defunded, and all the other stupidity the Democrat party spews out.  I wonder if perhaps he would be willing to trade places with Bernadette Griner?  Well, wake up Mandela and show me anywhere in the world that wasn't occupied by someone indigenous at the time, who were different than those who are there now, and it was done over and over again, and in every part of the world.  

In fact, it isn't just National Parks that are racist, nature itself is racist, as systemic racism’ blocks black people from going outdoors.  Apparently blacks can only enjoy the outdoors with grants and advocacy.  And that's supposed to make sense? 

The Washington School Board banned 9/11 ‘Red, White, Blue’ Tribute as ‘Racially Insensitive’..... an email that revealed the school’s principal said wearing the colors of the American flag could “unintentionally cause offense to some who see it differently.”   Using Critical Race Theory,  the left seeks to convince blacks that all whites are intrinsically and hopelessly racist. But it's just fine that black kids are failing in the fundamentals of education including reading. That's not racist.  
Larry Elder proves it's the Democrats who are still racist, you see, Larry Elder is a white supremacist!

How Larry Elder upended the California recall

Imagine that.  I wonder if he knows that?  

At least that's what Jean Guerrero claimed.  You see a white woman wearing a gorilla mask attacked Elders, as a clearly racist attack, but it was Elder's fault because the "gorilla mask woman", had "woke" privilege, ergo, it was pretty much covered up by the media and local authorities. 

The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence "reflect racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic/misogynoir, and xenophobic opinions and attitudes; be discriminatory towards or exclude diverse views on sexuality, gender, religion and more."  Wow!  That just about covers all the Democrat special groups and all their talking points in existence, and they can say this openly because why?  

How about because of the Constitution and Bill of Rights which only came into existence because of the Declaration of Independence.  Or did I miss something there?  Oh yeah, the National Archives has a "racism task force".  Yes, now that's obvious, and ‘white teachers need anti-racist therapy’, not to mention just about everyone needs training to identify and corrupt unconscious bias.  Academia is rife with wasted money on this clabber, and the skyrocketing price of college  allows them to waste it.

The University of Pittsburgh hires a professor of ‘oppression’ and Colorado University faculty training lists ‘perfectionism and ‘sense of urgency’ to be nothing more than "indicators of White Supremacy.  Pearl Harbor?   Yep, white supremacy caused it!  All because Japan needed to stop white advances in Asia thus justifying the slaughter of innocent Chinese civilians, men, women and children during the Rape of Nanking with he Orwellian style slogan, “Liberation of Asia”!  

Plaster is too white so it's racist also.  You see "plaster casts in the museum and lecture rooms are said to give a misleading impression of the whiteness and absence of diversity of the ancient world." 

 Anti-vaccine ideology has roots in white supremacy because white's think they have good genes, and how can you "hold a marathon on a holiday honoring non-whites?"  And how dare the Welsh speak Welsh because every utterance in Welsh upholds ‘White Supremacy’.

And the list goes on, and I think I will have to stop saving these pieces and just run them as they appear in a given week, and one has to wonder: Is it possible we've now reached the limit of how many things can be called racist?  

So, you're an author, you're black, and you have a book you want to sell, but Barnes and Noble isn't selling it.  So obviously the only conclusion must be Barnes & Noble Is Racist.  Now here's proof positive of racism on the part of Barnes and Noble.  They only want to put books on their shelves that sell.  Imagine that!!!  Now just how racist is that?  Or here's another thought.  You're book stinks and no one wants to read it! Nah, it has to be racism! 

In that article the author, , quoted Bethany Baptiste:

Bethany Baptiste, who is black, instructed her Twitter followers to “[g]et mad, y’all” and described Barnes & Noble’s policies as “[a] middle finger to debut authors esp if they’re midlist & marginalized.”


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