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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Critically Thinking about Woke...

John Droz jr. Apr 19, 2023

Rather than me writing about Woke, I’ll share with you the best explanation I’ve ever heard of it. Amazingly it is an off-the-cuff (no notes) public talk. One of the things I found extremely impressive, was that he seamlessly connected a broad assortment of important historical and social factors (from memory, no less).

The speaker is Dr. James Lindsay and his speech is at a European Parliament conference. Here is what Wikipedia says about him. After you’ve watched his talk below, this is an interesting article that gives more background about him. A friend wrote me about this talk:

“Succinct. Accurate. Truthful. Very powerful. In his brief discussion, Lindsay gets to the heart of Marx as a theologian, even as Marx inverted Hegel’s historical imperatives and Christianity’s core doctrine. The link to Mao and the Red Brigade was especially brilliant, presaged as they were by the rhetorical perversions of Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler—described so well by Orwell and Huxley.

“Most won’t be able to ken the rich complexity of this speech, integrating as it does history, philosophy, religion, economics, education, Black intellectual discourse (how many know about DuBois’s Souls of Black Folks today?), the nutcasery of feminism, queer theory, and, not least, the cascade of mendacity inherent in the folklore of colonialism.

“Still, this speech, along with the koans of Jordan Peterson, can provide an actionable template to guide future right actions, which is Lindsay’s intention.”

It’s less than a 30-minute video. Only listen when you can pay attention. It’s powerful. (I suggest watching it in full-screen mode…)  FYI, here are the UN’s 17 One World Order Goals he refers to.

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