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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Leftists lack the courage of their convictions

April 20, 2023 By Bob Ryan

Leftists lack the courage of their convictions, almost every time. It is easy for them to claim they hold to some beliefs, but it's something else entirely for them to have the courage to stand by such beliefs.  To take but one example, during the Vietnam War, thousands of hippies dodged the draft by moving to and living in Canada. If they truly believed their stance was right, why didn’t they stay to face the courts? It was easier for them to talk about their convictions, but something else entirely to prove them to others, the way Muhammad Ali, who also dodged the draft, did.  I disagree with everything Ali stood for. But do admire he had the courage of his convictions. He was willing to risk everything, including his career, because he truly believed Vietnam was wrong.

There are other examples, too. Environmentalists make demands of others for the sake of "saving the Earth," without giving up a single luxury. They aren’t living off the grid the way the Amish do. They would rather travel and use modern technology, since it would take true conviction to live without modern conveniences. If they had an ounce of courage, they would at least boycott the world’s biggest polluter, which is China.  And in this modern day, there are still more examples..........To Reads More...

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