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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Left Has A Dream. I Call it a Nightmare, Part I

By Rich Kozlovich

The left has "A dream", and their dream is humanities nightmare.  Have no doubt, unless people wake up, we will own nothing and will be happy, or else!  Private ownership will be eliminated.  The concept of personal privacy will be illegal.  Retirement investments will be confiscated.  We will accept the World Health Organization as the final arbiter as to how we're to be treated abandoning any idea of American sovereignty and will accept being digitally tracked.  

Money will be eliminated replaced by digital currencies in order to track what you buy and sell, and if what you're buying or selling violates their vision, you will not be allowed to do either.  And we will eat bugs, or worse! 

This is "the plan", and it's not just in America, it's a worldwide effort that will promote lawlessness, filth, and corruption, as Bob Barr  notes in his Apr 20, 2023 article. U.N.-Sanctioned Report Is a Blueprint for Filth, Degradation, and Lawlessness, saying:

Typical of virtually every report drafted by the United Nations and related international organizations, this one was long in the drafting, taking a full five years to compose. Also, like other U.N.-created reports, it has a ridiculously long and convoluted title:  The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty. A shorter and more accurate title would be How To Destroy Civil Society By Abandoning the Rule of Law.

He goes on to list some goals we're already seeing being implemented in American cities.  Jail should be the last resort for criminals, abortion will not be permitted to be limited to any degree, and should be termed as "pregnancy loss", in order to avoid calling it what it is: Infanticide.  Pederasty would be called a "human right".  There would be no limit on "consensual sex" irrespective of age.  Drug laws would be eliminated.  Prostitution would no longer be a crime, and "no activity undertaken by an individual out of necessity could be prohibited, including panhandling, sleeping or bathing in public, or “urinating and defecating” in public places – all examples of protected “human rights.”

 Let's face it, this is what's being promoted in some states and in America's major cities, and, there's a reason nobody is singing about going ‘Downtown’ anymore.  The mess the Democrats have created has resulted in a "ghost town" kind of environment, overrun by thugs.  Companies have left "downtown" for a number of reasons, and crime and tolerance for thuggery is one of the reasons.  Couple that with high taxes, irresponsible regulations, and corruption, and there's no reason to be there, and that especially goes for people living in the suburbs.  I always loved the playhouse district in Cleveland.  I now refuse to go. I'm old, arthritic and that makes me a target, and Cleveland isn't nearly as bad as Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and others.

Not only are offices closing in cities, retailers are closing down due to crime in three major cities ‘all run by Democrats’.  Not only can these employers protect their employees, they can't protect their customers, and their customers know it, so, guess what?  They're not customers any longer, so they stay home in the suburbs, and dine there, shop there, and socialize there.  And the Democrats know it so, that has to be "fixed".   Death to the Suburbs! 

New York's Governor Kathy Kochul has called for a diversity, inclusion, and equity drive to destroy the suburbs eliminating local control and single family zoning laws replacing them with:

......high-rise "affordable" (read: low-income, taxpayer-subsidized) housing be constructed close to each sleepy village train station — mostly a few miles apart — on Metro North and the Long Island Railroad.  If the affected communities fail to do so "voluntarily," the state will have the power to override local zoning.  Those who fail to applaud this combined coup by warriors for social justice and real estate interests are, you guessed it, racist.

In his article, Wake up, America — we're losing our country! Bob Weir states:

I never thought I'd have to face the prospect of witnessing the decline and fall of the United States, the greatest country in the history of the world.  I've always felt grateful to have been born in this marvelous nation.  Yet, today, as I woke up and was having my morning coffee, I began to realize that things are changing quickly, and the changes are corroding us from the inside.  Regardless of how I vote, or whether I vote, it seems as if it doesn't matter, because something evil has invaded this great land, and our lives are never going to be the same.

He went on to say how shocked he is at the views of family and friends, and how hostile they are in their views, abandoning reason, ignoring facts and reality, and are so willing to accept an "assortment of freakish behaviors".   A Supreme Court justice that doesn't know what a woman is, illegal immigrants are to be given the right to vote, people who never went to college are expected to pay for the dead beats that did, criminals are to be treated with respect and the victims are to be ignored, and we really need to get this; The left isn't just willing to destroy America, it's been their goal from the late 1800's.  

In this thoughtful essay The West Declares War on Itself By J.B. Shurk who starts out with the clear and understandable observation:

For Americans who cherish self-government, free speech, and personal liberty, the reality of today's America is jolting.  

The author then goes on to ask:

  • How can Hillary Clinton's campaign, Barack Obama's FBI, and an assortment of sordid Intelligence Community actors conspire to frame Donald Trump as a Russian spy in a veritable coup d'état without suffering any legal consequences?  
  • How can the IRS target Americans for their political viewpoints and be rewarded with bigger budgets and more armed agents?  
  • How can the FBI illegally spy on a presidential campaign, target parents concerned over the content of their children's public education, and label half of America "extremists," and not be disbanded?  
  • How can the Department of (in)Justice seek to punish Americans' speech and religious faith as impermissible expressions of "hate" and deprive Americans of their Second Amendment protections without being immediately defunded as a threat to the Bill of Rights?  
  • How can the State Department lecture regimes around the world about violently quelling political dissent and violating human rights when thousands of Americans who protested for fair elections have been persecuted as "insurrectionists," denied impartial justice, and imprisoned for having "incorrect" beliefs?  These are not the actions of any "free" nation and are shockingly antithetical to America's foundations in liberty.

All absolutely valid questions.  Questions he goes on to answer:

From this perspective, it seems apparent that the American government has not so quietly declared war on the American people..........When ordinary citizens lose control over institutions, those institutions gain control over the people.  Western politicians pay lip service to public ideals, while Western institutions act independently from — and often in defiance of — the public's wishes.  This is why Western domestic and foreign policies appear so schizophrenic today.  It is why Americans who adore freedom instead find increasingly insidious forms of tyranny.  And it is why Westerners who reject Soviet-style or Chinese forms of communism will be forced to stand against Western-style oppression, too.  
The left is destroying the American culture.  Part II will deal with the Democrat's destruction of America's cities. 

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