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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Rep. Tlaib doubles down on calling a black woman working for Republicans a 'prop'

March 1, 2019 By Thomas Lifson

The is a lot of competition for the title, but Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-Jihad) is making a strong case for herself as the most disgusting member of Congress. During the public testimony by Michael Cohen, she dehumanized a black woman who was sitting behind Rep. Mark Meadows, calling her a "prop" — an infamy that denies the possibility of human agency to a black woman who disagrees with her. You see, in this worldview, black people are so stupid that they can't come to their own political conclusions and must be pawns of white people if they disagree with her.

It looks to me as though the black chair of the committee, Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), was startled and quite possibly offended by this stereotype of black people.  When asked by Chairman Elijah Cummings to clarify her position, she said:...........To Read More

My Take - And we're surprised at this?  It's clear everything is racist.....when someone disagrees with any of these leftist loons.  The thing that's coming to the fore now is this has been thrown out so much a great many people no long care. 

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