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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A manifesto of freedom

March 2, 2019 By Robert Arvay

What is more valuable to a free man than his freedom? Is it safety? Comfort? Love? Whatever treasures one can name, each of them, without freedom, is, sooner or later, forfeit.

Our freedoms are not separate items on a list. They are all interlocked and interdependent. Take away any part of freedom, and all of it begins to crumble. Without freedom of speech, all of freedom suffocates in a soundless vacuum. Without freedom of worship, the soul of freedom is lost. Without the freedom to arm oneself, defeat by tyranny is inevitable. Freedom is a way of life.

Moreover, add to the body of freedom anything that it is not, and then there also, freedom is cheapened and eroded. There is no freedom from being offended, no freedom from want, or any freedom that guarantees happiness.................Read more

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