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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mr. Mueller’s Question Time

Gil Gutknecht Mar 03, 2019

Several Democrats on Capitol Hill have said that they expect to be disappointed by the Trump-Russia collusion report from Mr. Mueller. The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that there was no evidence of collusion. Chairman Schiff has said that he plans to call the Special Counsel to testify and answer questions. He may think better of that when he considers some of the questions Republicans might ask Mr. Mueller. With a series of well structured questions, much of the entire investigation (witch hunt) can be laid bare.

Here are some examples:

Mr. Mueller, you have spent over two years and almost $25 million, ostensibly investigating the possibility of Russian collusion in the 2016 election. When did you finally conclude that there really was no evidence of that? Didn’t you feel you had a moral responsibility to share that with the Attorney General and wrap it up at that time?..........The greater question is this, how could you ever expect average Americans to see your investigation as fair when you overloaded your team with people that had so much personal or partisan animus to the President?.........Now let’s return to the original purpose of your investigation; foreign influence in our elections. You are certainly aware that the Clinton campaign and the DNC......... how many of your investigators did you have assigned to look at this aspect of nefarious foreign influence?..............To Read More.....

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