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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Even Democrats See President Trump’s Wisdom in Walking From North Korea Negotiations

Chris Neiweem Mar 01, 2019

For the first time in history, America walked away from a bad deal with North Korea.

President Trump’s second summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un ended early without a signed agreement, and while a signed peace agreement will have to wait for another day, the president unquestionably made the right decision.
In his post-summit press conference, President Trump explained that Kim wanted the U.S. to remove international sanctions in exchange for only partial denuclearization — a complete non-starter that the president wisely rejected.
Unlike past presidents, who have given the Kim regime billions of dollars worth of aid in exchange for empty promises that North Korea quickly reneged on, President Trump has engaged a different strategy and is sticking with it...........To Read More.....
My Take - I have no doubt that Little Kim thought because of all the hoopla in America with Trump and the Democrats that Trump would do anything, and accept anything to come home with an agreement.  Everyone fails to understand Trump.....he doesn't care what they think.  Kim thought he could BS Trump in the same way he did an amazingly corrput Clinton, a bumbling Bush and that idiot Obama.  They were playing checkers while America's enemies were playing chess.  Now they not only face a President that plays chess, he plays it well, and can play multiple boards at the same time.  And win! 
Make no mistake about this.  There are multiple boards in play here.  All of this will impact Russia, China, the EU, the Middle East and more, and Trump sees the big picture, and the picture he sees shows America winning. 

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