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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Archbishop: No Communion for Catholic Politicians Who Support Abortion

By Michael W. Chapman | March 1, 2019

In the wake of many prominent Catholic politicians voting to expand abortion -- up to the moment of birth and even after birth if the infant survives the abortion--Archbishop Joseph Naumann, who heads the Committee on Pro-Life Activities for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), said support for such "intrinsically evil acts" are "deplorable" and seriously "immoral."

He also declared that such politicians must not present themselves for Holy Communion, and that while "we are not able to judge their souls," we do know "there will be a Judgment Day."

In recent weeks, lawmakers in New York voted to expand abortion procedures to include abortion up to the moment of birth. This legislation was signed into law and celebrated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), a Catholic who supports abortion, Planned Parenthood, and so-called gay marriage. Similar legislation was proposed in Virginia and another bill looks to be headed to passage in Vermont………To Read More….

My Take - No Holy Communion?  That's it?  Under church law they've committed sins so grave they merit excommunication.  Why isn't that on the table? 

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