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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Cheat, a Con Man Testifies Before Congress

Give this man a medallion!

By Dov Fischer March 1, 2019

I guess I heard only part of the sentence as Michael “Cash Cab” Cohen, testifying before a Congressional committee, was describing a “a cheat, a con man.” It seemed for a moment as though he was ’fessin’ up, coming clean, seeking penitence, admitting his sins publicly. But it soon became clear that the cheat and con man was describing someone else, not himself. Alas poor tormented soul!

Between the Democrats holding the House and the Left strangle-holding most of the media, life in America no longer is about news and reality, but is a never-ending game show: “Trump That Trump!”

Every week another guest contestant, usually hawking a new book or lawsuit.
  • One week it is Stormy Daniels, another week James Comey, another Michael Avenatti.
  • One week Peter Strzok, another Andrew McCabe, another John Brennan. Just for fun — Omarosa.
  • On the special edition — Perjury Month — it is Blasey Ford, then Julie Swetnick, then Michael Cohen.
When the contestants dry up, they trot them out again for game show summer reruns. Each gets a week to level wild accusations, and then they go back into the closet, kept on standby for weeks of limited news or major Presidential moments when they are needed desperately to reappear to draw attention away from the President’s achievements.

This time the President was negotiating a possible end to the Korean War, a possible denuclearization — and it was happening in Vietnam, which likewise carries so much symbolism and meaning. So it was the perfect time to dust off Michael Cohen for the “Tournament of Champions” and, fittingly for a perjurer, to swear him in...........To Read More.....

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