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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Feel the Bern: The Embezzling Nuns From the Order That Helped Train Obama

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet find themselves in a La La Land scandal.

George Neumayr December 16, 2018

It was reported recently that a couple of nuns out in Southern California had ripped off the Catholic school where they worked for many years to the tune of at least $500,000. They spent the money on gambling sprees to Las Vegas, among other pursuits. The habit-less sisters, who were henned up together in a Torrance townhouse inside a gated community (the neighbors, according to the Los Angeles Times, wondered how they afforded their matching Volvos), hail from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet — a “social justice” religious order, naturally.

But even richer than that, it is the order that played an important role in Obama’s Alinskyite education. It was at Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles, a college founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, that Obama went for a ten-day seminar in the 1980s to learn Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals. As reported in No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom, the Gay Mafia socialist from Chicago, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, paid for Obama’s trip out to Mount St. Mary’s College for that event.

The left-wing nuns in the order had long maintained a chapter for the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), a group of socialist agitators that Saul Alinsky established with the help of Chicago priests who would later honor Obama at Notre Dame. The sisters were happy to let Alinskyite activists use their campus in the summer to train the next generation of subversives.

According to Obama’s latest biographer, David Garrow, those ten days at Mount St. Mary’s, where Obama rubbed shoulders with radical priests and nuns, proved seminal in Obama’s political education...........To Reads More......

My Take - For clarification's sake, the Catholic Church isn't the only church infested with these heretics.  When socialists started making inroads in America they called themselves Progressives to hide their foundational atheism, and made "religion" the binding force for their movement.  After WWII they kicked the religionists to the curb and make psychology the binding force, i.e., if you didn't agree with them you had mental and social problems. 

The National Council of Churches was the organization that lent support to the idea that socialism was the ethical and practical application of Christian principles.  That's where the Social Gospel originated, and although the truth of the Russians, and Stalins, crimes against humanity may not have been know then, they are educated people and had to know socialism was antithetical to religion, especially Christian religion.  

Furthermore, since these people are educated they had to know at some point early in the 20th century what the real world was like under the rule of socialists.   From that point on they had to know they were heretics and they were traitors.  Their goal?  Power and money, the only moral foundation that is consistent with leftism. 

The original heretics are probably gone by now but their philosophical progeny continue unabated, heritical, corrupt, vicious and self serving. 

Can you Feel the Bern? 

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