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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

When Did Fascism and Communism Become Fashionable Again?

By Paul Austin Murphy

National Socialism (Nazism) = bad International Socialism (communism, Trotskyism) = good

This is striking primarily because -- according to many sources -- communism claimed far more lives than Nazism in the 20th century. Indeed, it can also be argued that the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, etc. were far more oppressive than the Nazis. The Nazis get a worse deal, of course, primarily because they instigated a Holocaust against Jews. Yet communists also wiped out entire classes and ethnic groups. Many contemporary Leftists -- including some fans of Jeremy Corbyn -- would like to do the same today; though this time with different “counter-revolutionary” or “reactionary” targets.......

Of course, the official socialist mythology is that Stalinism -- and sometimes the Soviet Union itself -- wasn't a true theological example of socialism/communism. All true examples of socialism will, of course, come in the future. All past examples of socialism/communism have been false examples.

One true example of socialism might well have come to pass on the 9th of June, 2017, if Jeremy Corbyn had been elected prime minster of the United Kingdom. Corbyn's socialist state will only become false (or “deviant”) socialism when it fails; which it will do because every other socialist state (dozens of them) have failed in the past..............More

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