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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A Federal Judge Meddles in Indian Affairs

By The Common Constitutionalist September 4, 2017

On Wednesday, August 30, a U.S. District Judge ruled that the descendants of black slaves once owned by Cherokee Indians could legally become citizens of the Cherokee Nation.  This is just another of a long and growing list of judicial usurpations. This lower court justice, Thomas Hogan, Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, has no business sticking his nose in this case.

“Descendants of black slaves, known as freedmen, who once were owned by members of the Cherokee Nation have a right to tribal citizenship under a ruling handed down by a federal court in Washington, D.C.,” writes the AP. “The Cherokee Nation can continue to define itself as it sees fit,” Hogan wrote in the ruling, “but must do so equally and evenhandedly with respect to native Cherokees and the descendants of Cherokee Freedmen.".......To Read More....

My Take - The problem with the federal judiciary is the federal judiciary.  Even the ruling's wording shows he knows he has no authority to impose this clabber.  But they just refuse get it.  It isn't up to them to decide what's fair and what's not fair.  That belongs to the legislature, in this case the Congress as outlined in the Constitution. 

This issue was decided from the very beginning of the founding of the United States and outlined in the Constitution.  This is -once again - a rule of law issue, and the federal judiciary is destroying the very concept with it's constant usurpation of the authority of legislature and the executive branches of government.  Once again - we need passage of a 28the Amendment ending these life time appointments and imposing age and term limits on the federal judiciary. 

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