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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Trump Is the One Who Is Mentally Ill? Really?

This after eight years of Obama and his reckless megalomania?

Steve Baldwin

After a year of investigation by the FBI and various media outfits, no one has turned up one shred of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to affect the 2016 election. As a result, the left has decided to focus on a new narrative: That Trump is mentally unfit for office. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and virtually every mainstream media outlet have been busy featuring pundits or “mental health” experts who are making absurd claims that Trump is mentally unfit to serve as President.

For example, on CNN, Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier (CA) made the claim that Trump is mentally unstable and called for him to be removed from office based by way of the 25th Amendment. Speier claimed there’s “a growing mountain of evidence that the president has been very erratic” and “has shown a mental instability.” Her main evidence was Trump’s use of the words “fire and fury” when describing what the USA could do militarily to North Korea should they threatened our national security. She also claimed that that Trump’s discription of the violence in Charlottesville was yet another example.........

Obama’s vanity, recklessness, paranoia and arrogance was obvious from the beginning of his 2008 presidential campaign but the mainstream media never said a negative word about these traits or questioned his fitness for office. Where was the mental health profession?  Why did no one suggest forming a congressional committee to examine Obama’s mental fitness? Well, the answer is easy.

Obama was a leftist and no matter how paranoid, vain, arrogant, or reckless he was, as long as he was pushing the hard left agenda, the media not only ignored his strange behavior, but tried to portray him as a conquering hero at every opportunity. Frankly, they all need help............To Read More.....

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