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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Thoughts For the Day

By Rich Kozlovich

I'm amazed so much has been made of the First Lady's choice of shoes.  She wears stiletto heeled shoes....a lot!  Why?  I remember forty five years ago, when $500 was a lot of money, a reporter asked Billy Graham why he wore $500.00 suits.  He answered:  Because I look good in them.  She wears stiletto heeled shoes because she looks good in them - get over it!

The media is always on the hunt for "right wing" violence - in that they mean conservatives.  Why?  Because in the real world people who hunt are looking for game that's hard to find.  They never have to hunt for "left wing" violence because it's everywhere and most people are trying to flee from it. 

Comments of the Week, September 2, 2017 American Renaissance.  Our favorite comments from last week.

Mueller is conducting a fishing expedition trying to find criminal activity versus investigating criminal activity - there's a difference folks  - and unless he's fired, it will go on for years.  But Comey, who is now known to have committed perjury and is demonstrably corrupt - along with Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and a host of others from the Obama gang - don't seem to have anyone investigating them.  But we shouldn't be surprised.  Donna Brazile once told me she never saw corruption in government. 

Imagine that!!!

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