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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Labor Day: Give Workers, Not Labor Unions, More Rights

Trey Kovacs September 1, 2017

With Labor Day around the corner, it's an appropriate time to examine federal labor policy in relation to worker rights. Upon examination, it becomes clear that labor unions have been granted far too much power over hardworking men and women's workplace lives.

This is not to say there is no place for unions in the modern economy. But all individual workers should have the freedom to choose whether a union is right for them, a right many workers lack.

Here's why.

Under the National Labor Relations Act, the federal law that governs private-sector labor relations, once a union wins an election, it gains exclusive representation over all workers in a company, not just those who voted for it. This means individuals who vote "no" on unionization are forced to work under a contract they did not want.........To Read More.....

My Take - I've been in a union and the idea that only those who pay union dues are represented by the union and all others would negotiate individually is a system for failure.  Unions would be out entirely, and everyone would be abused.  Those who've been reading my stuff for some time are probably surprised, but I have no illusions about why unions became acceptable. 

The companies were abusive....badly abusive, especially the coal mining and steel companies, and it would happen again if allowed.  Why?  Because people will always be people. 

However, the idea of letting the members vote to keep them as their representatives is absolutely worthwhile.  The Teamsters is a classic example of how corrupt a union can become if they're not able to be kicked out by the membership.  Communists and gangsters have played a major role in union corruption, so having the right to end union representation, or change it, is essential to keep the union as clean as can be possible.  And actually represent the workers instead of themselves.  Also, letting unions - and companies - control the retirement benefits must be brought to an end.  Retirement benefits must be linked to a private account so they're protected from the unions and the companies.  This is especailly important should the company should go out of business, or people leave the union. 

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