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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, September 8, 2017

There's Russian Collusion, President Trump's a Racist, and the Sky Is Green

By Peggy Ryan September 8, 2017

Once upon a time, there was a cruel, nasty ogre, "The Donald," who dreamed of becoming king. But The Donald had no claim to the throne. Princess Hillary was next in line. Hillary was royalty, and he was just a disgusting ogre. No one would ever see him as king. Desperate, the ogre went to Putin, the dark one, to help him. The sorcerer agreed to help in return for half the kingdom. The dark one then cast a spell that reached every corner of the land, every mountaintop and valley. This spell made the people see the ogre as royalty and Princess Hillary as a witch. The people rallied to the ogre and made him king of the realm. Then they banished the witch to obscurity. It happened, really! I saw it on CNN. Okay, not exactly, but closer than you'd think ..........the left, script in hand, staged performance after performance. The left hammered the plot home: Russia, Russia, Russia. And even though most Americans know the story's a farce, the plot continues to play out. ......Translation: lack of evidence and zero proof of a connection don't kill the storyline. The show must go on...... our precious government and their lapdog press will continue to tell us facts are facts, no denying the mountain of evidence. There's absolutely Russian collusion; President Trump is a white supremacist; and yes, the sky is green....................Read more

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