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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

CNN in Full Panic Mode After Man Who Incited Mob Identified

Conservative Tribune

CNN has been pretending to hold the moral high ground ever since the Aug. 12 violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.  While acting as if all conservatives are unhinged racists and attacking President Donald Trump for pointing out that there are many sides to violence, the left-leaning network has been riding a sanctimonious high horse for weeks — but a new video may have its executives in panic mode.  One of CNN’s own hosts was just spotted at a rally backed by the radical “antifa” group… and instead of being there to report, it looks like he showed up to stir up the mob.
W. Kamau Bell is the host of CNN’s “United Shades of America,” and, according to PJ Media, he was caught on video yelling into a bullhorn about Nazis and “black people” at a rally with a very shady history...........Bell quickly became a far-left cliche and split people into racial groups, declaring that “when the Nazis leave, as they have left… you have to stand up for the brown people, the black people, the LGBT people, the immigrants – everybody everyday!”..........To Read More.....

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