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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Putin Condemns Europe’s Handling of Migrants and Says the Child Rape in Austria Shows ‘a Dilution of National Values’

Jennifer Newton, Daily Mail, November 3, 2016

Vladimir Putin has waded into the migrant crisis condemning Europe’s handling of asylum seekers and saying a case of child rape in Austria ‘dilutes national values’.  The Russian president has largely kept quiet over the refugee crisis in Europe but has now spoken out of his disbelief over its handling claiming that a continent that ‘can’t protect its children’ has no future.

His comments come off the back of a case in Austria last week, which saw an Iraqi migrant have his conviction of raping a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna overturned.  He was originally convicted of the crime but it was overturned because a court didn’t prove he realised the boy was saying no.   It came after the migrant, identified as 20-year-old Amir A., claimed that it was a ‘sexual emergency’ because he had not had sex for four months.

A second trial for the rape is expected to take place next year, but the attacker is likely to remain in custody until then......To Read More....

My Take - You have to see the irony of this.  Putin is expounding on the moral leadership of European leaders.  The irony is Putin is an ex-KGB guy talking about European leaders 'morals' and sanity - or anyone's for that matter.   And what's even more ironic - it's hard to disagree with him.  The world really is a strange place, and people will be people. 

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