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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Pesticides: Probably Less Scary Than You Imagine

What if much that you think you know about agriculture, farming and food isn't actually true? What if there are "myths" that have been intentionally and mostly unintentionally spread about these issues? What if the truth about these issues matters for the future of humanity? That is what this blog is about. If you are interested in learning more about my business as a public speaker, please visit my website,

Contrary to campaigns by environmental groups and anti-GMO activists that talk about a “flood” of “toxic pesticides” unleashed since the beginning of the biotech era, the data show usage shifting dramatically away from Category II (moderately toxic) and Class III (slightly toxic) towards Category IV (practically non-toxic) and the almost complete abandonment of Class I (highly toxic) pesticides......From Steve Savage's Applied Mythology

Dear Mr. Savage,


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