In the recent past I noted I believed Obama was elected in both the 2008 and 2012 elections as a result of voter fraud, and especially so in 2012. A friend said.... "Oh, come on".....as if I'm just another conspiracy theorist versus someone who rightly believes there really are conspiracies. What's the difference?
Conspiracy theorists use the conspiracy argument to explain those things they don't like or understand. Someone who believes in conspiracies has read sufficiently, especially about history, to understand conspiracies are real and bring about results, and the judiciary and the media are a part of it.
Here is the voter fraud story in Ohio. Please enjoy, and then you tell me if it's possible.....just possible.....this is a conspiracy!
Ohio high court tosses 1,000 ballots in tight race. The Ohio Supreme Court on Friday threw out about 1,000 provisional ballots that had been improperly filled out by voters in a tight congressional race. In a 4-2 decision, the court struck down Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner's directive that said the votes should be counted. ... Justices said Brunner improperly instructed county elections officials to apply conflicting standards to election law by ruling that the votes should be counted, even though the envelopes failed to comply with legal guidelines set out before Nov. 4.
Hijinks Mar Ohio Vote. "Ecuador has more voting integrity than we have here in East Cleveland today." That is the considered opinion of a Republican attorney who is helping to monitor elections in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. He requested anonymity to avoid drawing attention to his employer.I have known him for years as an honest and very serious patriot and consider his comments reliable. He rang me to discuss the shenanigans that he and other Republican poll watchers have witnessed today in greater Cleveland.
Homeless 'Driven' to Vote for Obama. Volunteers supporting Barack Obama picked up hundreds of people at homeless shelters, soup kitchens and drug-rehab centers and drove them to a polling place yesterday [10/6/2008] on the last day that Ohioans could register and vote on the same day, almost no questions asked. The huge effort by a pro-Obama group, Vote Today Ohio, takes advantage of a quirk in the state's elections laws that allows people to register and cast ballots at the same time without having to prove residency.
Voter-fraud Chaos. Developments in several states create the possibility that the 2008 vote could result in "Election Month," rather than Election Day. Court rulings on various absentee-voting procedures — along with early voting and other new forms of balloting — open the door to widespread abuses that could undermine the election. The possibility of voter fraud or voting irregularities on a massive scale could provide a multistate repeat of Florida 2000. A perfect example is Ohio.
Campaign Dynamics, Fraud Potential Impacted by Early Voting. Three years ago, Ohio changed its law to allow absentee voting to begin 35 days before Election Day, which is Sept. 30 this year. But residents of the state are allowed to register to vote as late as Oct. 6, creating a one-week overlap in which they can register and vote on the same day. That overlap has come under fire by the Ohio Republican Party and some Ohio voters, who point out that state law requires voters to have been registered for 30 days before they can cast an absentee ballot. This, they say, creates an unfair situation because it is difficult to immediately verify a voter's identity.
Ohio is a Hotbed of Vote Fraud in 2008. The Cleveland Plain Dealer is touting triumphantly that Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is predicting an 80% voter turnout in the 2008 election. This would be an amazing statistic if true. ... There is no doubt that Cuyahoga County is "leading" in this year's vote situation. But, unfortunately, that "leading" seems to be in fraud, not legal, proper votes.
Judge rules Ohio homeless voters may list park benches as addresses. A federal judge in Ohio has ruled that counties must allow homeless voters to list park benches and other locations that aren't buildings as their addresses. U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus also ruled that provisional ballots can't be invalidated because of poll worker errors.
Bam Staffers Pull Their Bogus Ohio Ballots. Thirteen campaign workers for Barack Obama yesterday [10/24/2008] yanked their voter registrations and ballots in Ohio after being warned by a prosecutor that temporary residents can't vote in the battleground state. A dozen staffers — including Obama Ohio spokeswoman Olivia Alair and James Cadogan, who recently joined Team Obama — signed a form letter asking the Franklin County elections board to pull their names from the rolls.
Hall adviser fired, linked to Ohio voting fraud probe. Congressman John Hall (D-Dover Plains) fired one of his long-time campaign advisers Tuesday, after learning that she's embroiled in voter fraud investigations in Ohio. Amy Little, 49, has been a registered Democrat in New York since 1991, and Ulster County election officials said she voted in the party primary here in February. But in October, Little registered to vote in Ohio.
Ohio official mulls new voting machine rule. Ohio's elections chief is reconsidering a plan to prohibit poll workers from taking voting machines home for safekeeping in the days before the November presidential election. Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner announced plans in February to scrap the practice known as "sleepovers" because of security concerns but is now facing opposition from county elections officials who say the custom makes it easier to transport machines polling sites.
Ohio Voting Machines Contained Programming Error That Dropped Votes. Premier (formerly Diebold) has admitted to a software flaw in its GEMS system used in 34 states that can cause votes to be dropped while being transferred from memory cards to a central tallying point. This flaw has existed for at least 10 years….
100+ Diebold voting machines available now on EBay. You really can get anything on EBay, even electronic voting machines proved to be easy to corrupt for purposes of voting fraud. Brad Friedman of the Brad Blog first noticed that "more than 10" AccuVote-TS voting machines, built by Diebold, were being sold on the online auction site for the buy-it-now price of $1,200 (plus $50 shipping and handling).
Diebold e-voting hack allows remote tampering. The attack on the Diebold AccuVote TS electronic voting machine, which is now marketed by Election Systems & Software, relies on a small circuit board that an attacker inserts between the components connecting the touch screen of the device to its microprocessor. The $10.50 card then controls the information flowing into the machine's internal processor, allowing attackers to change votes with almost no visible sign of what's taking place.
Glitches galore as US votes. Programming errors and inexperience with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds of precincts during Tuesday's US elections, delaying voters in Indiana and Ohio and forcing some in Florida to cast paper ballots instead. In Cleveland, voters rolled their eyes as election workers fumbled with new touchscreen machines that they couldn't get to start properly. "We got five machines — one of them's got to work," said Willette Scullank, a trouble-shooter from the Cuyahoga County elections board.
Brunner declares Ohio's voting systems vulnerable. All of the voting systems used in Ohio have "critical security failures" that make them vulnerable to tampering and should be replaced with paper ballots counted at a central location, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner concluded after a top-to-bottom review of the systems.
Ohio voting law may be a boon for Obama supporters. Never mind the last days of the presidential campaign. The busiest days for Barack Obama's campaign in this perennial swing state are likely to be a month before Election Day. Ohio has created a window in the election calendar that would allow residents instant gratification — register one minute, vote the next.
Critics see voting loopholes in new rules. With Ohio expected once more to play a deciding role in the presidential race, the battle over state voting rules that plagued the 2004 election has begun again in earnest. Republicans are raising concerns about Ohioans registering to vote and immediately casting absentee ballots during a five-day window after absentee voting starts Sept. 30 and before the deadline for registration Oct. 6.
Supreme Court rejects Ohio GOP bid. The Supreme Court sided Friday [10/17/2008] with Ohio's top elections official in a dispute with the state Republican Party over voter registrations. The justices overruled a federal appeals court that had ordered Ohio's top elections official to do more to help counties verify voter eligibility.
No Righting Voting Wrongs in Ohio. Topping the list of most important legal cases this election year may be one in which the Supreme Court did not rule on the merits, and about which the U.S. Department of Justice turned a blind eye to justice. Rampant voter fraud may well result. The nation's highest court ruled Friday [10/17/2008] that, for now, a federal district court cannot force Ohio's Secretary of State to enforce federal elections laws that she is flagrantly ignoring.
Lawyers demand vote fraud probe. The lawyers pointed to Ohio and Wisconsin, where the Justice Department has decided against requiring state officials to confirm voters' identities by releasing their names to local election authorities as "difficult to fathom." At issue in both states are thousands of voters whose names did not match listed Social Security and driver's license numbers in other government databases, or otherwise did not pass identity verification standards. "This appears to be a dereliction of the department's obligations to enforce federal law," the attorneys wrote.
Ohio Secretary of State Linked to ACORN, Project Vote. The national development director for Project Vote, an affiliated organization of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, has been linked to embattled Ohio Secretary of State, Democrat Jennifer Brunner. Karyn Gillette of Project Vote was a campaign consultant for the Brunner campaign, according to information found in a post made by Rick Brunner on April 11, 2006 on the secretary of state's own blog.
Liberals: The Enemy Within. Feeling as I do about Barack Obama, it's only natural that I would look for people to blame for putting him in the Oval Office. I mean, aside from the 63 million oafs who actually voted for the guy. The first villains who come to mind are members of the media who are still, in the words of Bernard Goldberg, slobbering over him. But I have come up with another group of troublemakers. They're the folks who came up with the cockamamie primary system.
Cleveland election workers sentenced for rigging 2004 presidential recount. Two election workers in the state's most populous county were sentenced Tuesday [3/13/2007] to 18 months in prison for rigging the 2004 presidential election recount so they could avoid a more thorough review of the votes. Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge Peter Corrigan allowed the women to remain free on bond pending appeal.
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